The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #25393  by RaVeN
Fluffy has literally been in this clan since the beginning. She was once the solo leader of KR before she created a Council. Since its creation Fluffy has served on that Council spreading her wisdom and fear-atude (Scrubs reference if anyone gets it). She has seen this clan at its highs and been through every single low. This clan owes everything it is now to Fluffy.

However, Fluffy is now stepping down from her position and joining the Arbiters below.

Taking her seat in the Council will be Kane. Kane joined literally the same week I did. He has an unrelenting loyalty to KR and calmness about him on the forums and server. I don’t think I have ever seen Kane get upset about anything. Kane, while being very skilled with the single saber, is also a very honorable fighter and teacher. He is logical and calculated in his posts, but more importantly the members of KR listen to him.

The Council would like to add his wisdom and insight into the inner circle.

However this isn’t the only change going on in the upper ranks.

Due to Panther being inaccessible at this time the Council has decided to move her down to the Master’s Rank and move up in her place, Kenshin.

This is a big step Kenshin. The Council will be watching you very closely.

 #25396  by Kenshin
cool thanks ^^

 #25397  by Starcomand
congrats guys and i have my eyes on you both lol

 #25399  by saunby
Congrats guys ^_^

 #25400  by Kakashi.Archive

 #25409  by ShadowX
congratz fluffy......

 #25410  by Starcomand
ShadowX wrote:congratz fluffy......

? on letting kane into council?

 #25411  by ShadowX
oh lol sorry i forgot to say that to kane Xp

 #25412  by Greed
Gratz guyz

 #25415  by BloodRose
congrats both of you... You will be great in council Kane... and kenshin good luck. I have faith in the both of you

 #25422  by Delev
Congratamulationz Kane and ken!1!1one!!
Uh oh..
This means Ken can slay me if i dont train hard enough =0
Anyway gratz again!
*Walks and gets Ken's coffee*

All Rights Reserved.

 #25426  by Wanderer
haha, nice scrubs ref ra

congrats guys

 #25431  by Raziel
Congratz Bro and Congratz Mastah ^___^

 #25435  by Hosh-pak
yeah kane, congrats,

 #25438  by Hime
congrats to both Kenshin and Kane here

 #25444  by Fluffy
Fear-atude~ I likeys~ =D

And grats to both of you boys. Kane in particular. I'll be watching... *nods*

 #25454  by Tricky
Ah, a well earned rest, Fluffems. Enjoy it. >:]

As for Kane and Kenshin. Prepare for more responsibility! :P
Good luck, you two. I'm sure you're both more than capable of handling the duties assigned to you.

 #25455  by Wolferion
Congratulations to both of you ;-) Good luck! It isnt just so easy being Council or Arbiter.

 #25458  by Psycho
Congrats ;)

 #25471  by Kane
Fluffers watching meh? now that is scary :O

Thankee to all and congrats former paddy of mine knew you were destined for the upper echelons when I first started to teach you :D <possibly because you kept kicking my ass :( heh>

*runs off to get hot drinks and muffins*

 #25504  by Fluffy
Ph33r me~ Rawr~

 #25523  by RoNin
Yay! newbies! you know what happens to newbie arbiters and council? they are our errand people so now you two have to serve coffee and tea and ... cupcakes! to the respective groups muahahahaha! (be glad they made hazing alot better than it used to be *shivers*)

 #25536  by Kenshin
u got it all wrong ron :P use council/arbi serve me and kane :P
ronin.. go get me a coffee will ya? milk and 2 sugars : D

 #25661  by RoNin
I server noone -_-

 #25668  by Kenshin
things change :) *waits on the coffee*

but yeah thanks for all the congratz ^_^