Who's at what rank?
 #24324  by Kakashi.Archive
With Phos permission i have taken Saunby in as my new padawan. He as well agreed to this :P

Also Saun, your keeping your admin status before u ask

 #24369  by saunby
Yeah cool thank youuu :)

And uhhh, I didnt think I'd lose it =S

 #24370  by Kakashi.Archive
:P sometimes when paddys switch to a new master they start from square one :P, such as switching over to a knight for your master thats why i put it there :P

 #24378  by saunby
Ahh, I seeee, well thanks for not making me start over cause that wouldnt make me too happeh XD

 #24381  by Raziel
:D gratz saun m8 ! free beer for u ;)

 #24383  by Greed

 #24384  by Fazz
grrr, kak u shud have made him start over, lol congo doin rats saun