Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #10081  by RoNin

now that that is out of my system, I'm requesting a modeler and if one cannot be found then a reskinner to make something for me :D reply here or on my msn if you can help or know someone who can help

 #12528  by Tidus
i can skin not to good at modeling

 #12541  by Nintendo
Working on another project at the time (yes Hime I havent forgot :P) Once I finish with it then ill take a look at what you had in mind.

 #12550  by Tricky
Just grab me if you want help with it Ninny. :)

 #12556  by Phoenix
Also try the filefront forums, they seem to be a good resource for requesting skins/models (thats an alternative if Nin doesn't get around to it or w/e).

 #12572  by Akimoto
RoNin wrote:Yo.....

now that that is out of my system, I'm requesting a modeler and if one cannot be found then a reskinner to make something for me :D reply here or on my msn if you can help or know someone who can help
Why not post what you want modelled/skinned here so 'someone' might work on it~ examples would be good too.

 #13055  by RoNin
alright one is Image but less happy and the other is...


Modelers preferred or reskinners if they can get close

 #13058  by Kenshin

i have a modelers msn..but hes currently working on my kenshin model

if u havtn found some 1 betime mine is finished il give u his msn :)

 #23258  by Master Dennis
i think there should be a model that comes close to the girl you wanted

and i think people need 2 model that asassin with imperial and kurzick armor.....or rip it ^^ i know someone who can do sutch things(well i have his msn and i fought him a couple of times XD) ill see what i can do

 #23939  by RoNin
thanks dennis

EDIT: Girl? thats a guy from .hack//roots goes by the name Haseo

 #23991  by Master Dennis
than he must abe a drag queen XD :wink:

 #24057  by Master Dennis
point takenXD