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 #23476  by Stealth
I GOT IT BAK!!!! ILL UPDATE MY DRIVERS SOON!!!! yet i have about a year of stuff to do so it may take a day or so...just thought id check in.

 #23477  by saunby

Hoorayyy for Stealthehh =]

Hope to see you again soon!

 #23485  by Stealth
nvm =( i couldnt fix it

i tried...and dad tried...i even had my sister try...but i jsut couldnt get it to work....

i guess ill have to wait til i get a new comp...

steatlh =(((

 #23487  by Starcomand
whats happening maby some of us may have ideas on how to get you working

 #23512  by Stealth
well at first i thought it was the driver thing that u told me i tried didnt something is up with directx or something...i cant even get java to work either....basically....everything is goin to hell...and im sry i cant get on...i really wanted to own u noobs out there..

 #23513  by Kyuubi
direct x the same thing is happening to me O_o

 #23515  by Raziel
Stealth wrote:I really wanted to get owned by Mighty Almighty Awsome uber pwnage Raziel guys and i truly do love him but i cant get this to work....RAz huggies and <3's ur a man and ur my hero..

 #23516  by Sniper
Raziel wrote:
Stealth wrote:I really wanted to get owned by Mighty Almighty Awsome uber pwnage Raziel guys and i truly do love him but i cant get this to work....RAz huggies and <3's ur a man and ur my hero..
Stealth, Sniper is even awesomer. All that is true about him
Raz wtf i know im awesome but sheesh :oops:

 #23517  by Raziel
:o oh noez...oh well i see i wont hide my feelings ='(


jk xP

 #23518  by Soulreaper
wtf?, anyway uninstall directX and reinstall the newest version

 #23520  by Kyuubi
i did it, it still is messed up

 #23524  by Soulreaper
hmm ok uninstall all video card drivers then reinstall if u havnt done that

 #23527  by Kyuubi
is that on a laptop? btw this may be helpful maybe not but i accidentlly deleted the assets and how do i do dat video card thing? when i try to launch jka mutiplayer it says couldn't load mpdeafault.cfg

 #23580  by Sidious
hurry up and get that stuff sorted out so i can pwn you all over the map lol.

 #23612  by Kyuubi
i'll hopefully be able to play jka by this christmas so my mom can get me a new computer/laptop