Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #23266  by Melissa
I have a PC at work which locks a few times... its annoying I have done everything although I noticed a capacitator has like a yellow power on the top..

has anyone else seen something like that??? :?

 #23272  by Scythe
its the time flux capacitator @_@ don't touch it

 #23292  by Melissa
cheers for that..

i know theres not many IT ppl (if any) here just wondered if anyone had seen it b4 thats all.

 #23309  by Melissa
yeah that looks like the jobbie thanks

just confirming what i thought

looks like a new board then!

 #23329  by Grimm
have fun!! :)

 #23379  by Chantelle
Its dead! or as good as

Cheapest option to replace although getting them to agree to spending money is the hardest part when i worked there..

Hopefully they will have given you the proposed budget for replacements and small orders