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 #22310  by Hime
hey everyone

just tell everyone that I am still alive......finally we have unp[acked everything....took us long ehough b/c we didn't feel like unpacking for the first couple days b/c of the nice weather therefore we ended up spending couple days at my frd's place right next to the beach.....had a lot of fun....

as the holidays ended, school starts and work starts as well...we have to get use to the new surroundings and all. Most of all I have to get to know all mine classes ( hey I am still a university student!!), where to shop for FOOD and CLOTHES and SUPPLIES.

For work, I have to know all my new co-workers and memorize my address. What a pain. But still, Vancouver is still a very nice place. Not many ppl......but I can tell you that downtown victoria is so DEAD!! I can fire a rocket launcher which will ended up with no one getting hurt.

I hope things are still good on the own desktopcom is down. And my laptop won;t let me run it is stioll goping to be a while untuil I can get back on server and DFA ppl
so this is just a heads up for everyone

PS YES I will continue the side story....and YES a new story is already on the notepad and drawing board


 #22312  by Scythe

 #22315  by Soulreaper
have fun hime

 #22316  by Kakashi.Archive
have fun :)

 #22333  by Fluffy
Nice to know you survived the trip!! Go Hime!

 #22340  by saunby
Awesomenesssss :)

Hope to see you on the server soon :)

 #22387  by Sidious
Yeaaaa Himes not dead, by the way i think you should shoot a rocket launcher downtown just to see if anyone would notice lol.

 #22420  by Grimm
hiya himeee, sounds like u like ur new place. pretty sweet ;)

 #22665  by Raziel
i want to be a bear