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 #22394  by RoNin
I got new cds! which means... I'm coming for your souls! now for an explenation.

Hi everybody!

Sorry I have been pretty absent but work was busy and school started and.. MY CDS FRICKEN BROKE! but now i have time from work and i have set time aside for school and got my cds today so I need to brush the dust off my staff and get back to killing you all :D Some of you better be a challenge -_- lol I have given you plenty of time to get ready for me and i've gotten all rusty you know who you are O_O. So yeah I'm back and all that jazz.

P.S. <3 everyone who has been keeping the clan goin :D

 #22397  by ShadowX
Raven this is your master?

 #22399  by RoNin
Was :)

 #22400  by ShadowX
oh... Ronin you on the KR sever?

 #22401  by RoNin
Was lol gonna sleep now got class in 5 hours

 #22402  by ShadowX
oh okay.

 #22405  by Kenshin
kill or be killed ^_^ ( you better watch your back ronin) ima coming for ya

and welcom back :P

 #22409  by saunby


 #22413  by Starcomand
good to see you back ronin

 #22430  by Sidious
OMG Ronins back. I havent seen you in a while man. Looking forward to slappin you around the server with my single saber lol.

 #22439  by Sniper
WB ronin!!!!!!
im pretty good and i also am probably getting CD for myself (zab that means lol in your face ><) but wb

 #22444  by Wanderer
ShadowX wrote:oh... Ronin you on the KR sever?
ROFL. KR council...i think he might be realted to KR a lil


wb ro dogg

or somthing like that

id say 'see u server side' but im not on the server....yea...good story right?

anyways, wb. im trusting you to pwn some nubs, like kak and rara xP

 #22447  by ShadowX
KR lil?

 #22458  by Kakashi.Archive
Hi roni welcome backs :)

 #22469  by Wanderer
wow shadowx...

stay in school and keep up the whole "reading" thing, once u learn how to do it, itl come in handy

 #22484  by Wolferion
Ey Ronin =). Do not ever think about it Kenshin =) I will watch RoNin's back with my staff =D ( But yeah, you have time before i get all stuff in work to get into JKA )

 #22493  by Kane
Hmm... rusty huh? Guess ill have to leap on my chance :P nice to see you back dude :D

 #22582  by Fluffy
Umm... who's Ronin..?

Lol just kidding, someone had to say it, and no one had done it yet. Welcome back!! ^_^

 #22588  by ivy
*stabs a lightsaber into ronins back* so this is where i put it. Oh hi Ron! ^___-