Who's at what rank?
 #21465  by Ice
Sniper has been a Jedi for longer than 3 weeks and is more then able to be adept. I believe that he is ready to be ptomoted to adept.

 #21485  by Kakashi.Archive
Cango Rats =)

 #21487  by Raziel

 #21491  by Zabuza
sniper is not a jedi adept bc it hasnt been 4 weeks. he became a jedi August 9th ( http://www.knights-reborn.org/forum/vie ... php?t=1780 )

he will be an adept september 6th

 #21497  by Woodchip
i think zab is gettin a little jealous that snipe got adept lol

 #21504  by Sidious
yea zab, way to rain all over snipes parade, jealous *cough*.

 #21505  by Raziel
that ish called brotherine wuv ^.^

 #21548  by Ice
o sry raven thought it had been long enough.

 #21975  by Ice
Well its been 4 weeks now and snipers wait is over.

 #22001  by ShadowX
has it been 4 weeks?

 #22008  by Sniper
aye i suppose so so YAY SNIPER. wait i am sniper O.o wtf am i still talking for. >< stop reading. GAH bye :x

Edit: MY 100 POST lol

 #22039  by Kakashi.Archive
Congrates on your actually adept

 #22059  by Raziel
*cheeers for sniper*

 #22060  by Sidious
Congratz snipe, start your knight trial training.

 #22069  by ShadowX
congrats sniper :)

 #22093  by Woodchip
of course zab doesnt say gratz cuz hes jealous lol
