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 #21707  by RaVeN
Today Starcomand takes his place among the leaders of KR as he is KR's newest Council Member!

Way to go Star, you really deserved this promotion!

Of course, this means I get to call you newbie from now on...newbie

Starcomand is taking Lessa seat on the Council and Lessa will be replacing his seat in Arbiters.

Last edited by RaVeN on Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #21708  by Phoenix
Congratulations mate :) Thanks for all your help the past few weeks. Especially when I was on holiday, you were a life saver.

Congrats again,


 #21709  by Starcomand
thanks guys i gracefully take up this new position and wont let you down

 #21711  by Starcomand
lol rav

think ill call you an oldie then lol
Last edited by Starcomand on Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #21713  by Kenshin
i always knew you were next in line of the councilers paul ^_^ congratz m8.. you deserve it..

 #21714  by Raziel
congratz :D

 #21715  by Hailstorm
congratulations, now you get to use the council's secret h4x

 #21716  by Wanderer
congats buuuudy

 #21717  by Grimm
nice job star, congrats

 #21719  by Stealth

(what happened to lessa, why is she being bumped down?)

 #21720  by Seive
Congrats man. You earned it.

 #21723  by Phoenix
Stealth wrote:CONGO RATZ STAR>....

(what happened to lessa, why is she being bumped down?)
Because she is inactive and we haven't heard from her at all in over a month. Don't worry, preparations have been made upon her return.

 #21726  by saunby

Go Star (newbie :P)

You deserve it :D

 #21734  by Sparky
Way to go Star... Rave i think you cannot milk a horse when dead... or even when alive lol!

 #21743  by Darfin
Wait a minute.
Lessa = Arby?
Inactiveness you mean?

Good job Star. A year ago you were freaking out over your damned Masters trial.

 #21746  by Kakashi.Archive
Omfg good job star im so happy for you!!! :D

Star looks as if your going to be taking alot of crap from the old lady XD...*prays that Raven didnt read that*
Last edited by Kakashi.Archive on Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #21747  by Fazz

 #21755  by ShadowX
congrats star.

 #21778  by Kane
Star as council? Oh noes!

<Puts on slay proof underwear>

<shivers in terror>

On another note good luck and congrats man its well deserved you give a lot to the clan :D

 #21809  by Greed
Gratz dude

 #21822  by Sidious
Its about time the made you a council member, gratz star.

 #21824  by Starcomand
thanks all

 #21838  by Melissa

He prob deserves it at his age ;)

 #21861  by Hailstorm
at his age?? how old is he?