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 #21603  by Stealth
OMG!! my life is out of control i got shcool soccer..homework..and sleep...with littl things thrown in sry i havent been able to get on a post anything...the little time i get to get on i usually go straight to flyff to get some game time on it..i just wanted to say hi... i really miss the game...but i cant update anything without my parents figuring out im progress report from school is coming out soon...and ive been trying my hardest to keep my grades up....and ill prolly get my comp glad i got the time to make ths post...and ILL BE BAK SOON!

until next time


 #21604  by Kakashi.Archive

 #21608  by Wanderer
hey man, im in the same situation now

school sucks. i need to get my grades up or else theres no technology for me xD

keep it up and GL with that progress reports :P

 #21612  by Darfin
Mine is:
Marching band
Woman :roll:

 #21615  by Wanderer

sitting next to my ex in 4 of my classes(not on good terms)
battle with sleep

 #21617  by Raziel
hai stealth

 #21659  by Stealth
raziel....i this fresh blood i see?

 #21660  by Raziel
me ish Kazz aka Wojtas o.o

 #21662  by Stealth

 #21668  by Hailstorm
hope you keep your grades up!

 #21682  by saunby
Hey mate :)

Keep it up, hope to see yah soon :)

 #21685  by Chantelle
sorry to dampen your spirits guys!!


enjoy your school life and such, you may think its soo soo busy now

But trust me you got it so easy at the minute

Wait until you have a mortgage which could take 25-50 years of your life taking £600+ ($1200+) dollars a month for 50 years, a house to maintain clean, cook for yourselves work 40 hour weeks get your car done when it needs doing, pay the bills get the shopping in..

Not to mention the additions of children. and the responsibility they bring.

enjoys it while you can

 #21696  by Wanderer
wow ok chan

so u sed "way to dampen our spirits" but look what you rote xD

haha...yea im realy bored and hyper right now...and posibly idk....

so yea way to SUPER dampen our spirits with the future and such

 #21699  by Melissa
yeah how depressing :s, although its kinda true, i can see that now and most of that I dont have yet..

School to be fair is a doddle

doesnt mean work is a bad thing :)

 #21701  by Wanderer
yea well i would rather pay bills then deal with the day to day drama and shit of highschool, not to mention parent and attractive ppl of the oposite sex. plus peer presure. and thro in some gay teachers and welcome to being a teenager

 #21703  by Melissa
Wand I may be only 17

But trust me, your in for a hell of a shock!

 #21705  by Chantelle
Wanderer wrote:yea well i would rather pay bills then deal with the day to day drama and shit of highschool, not to mention parent and attractive ppl of the oposite sex. plus peer presure. and thro in some gay teachers and welcome to being a teenager
I meant it all in a very jovial way do not worry!!!!

although remember I have been through all of what you said above as does everyone else..

but ya know at the end of teh day swings and roundabouts

drama of high school doesnt compare to a job where if you mess up you cost you company 1000sss you lose your job cant make mortgage payments end up homless etc etc.

opposite sex doesnt go away once you leave school

teachers are nothing compared to an evil boss..

dont worry i wasnt trying to be depressing it was meant in a jovial way.. its just true though

and now for the serious part:

Enjoy your school life.. the harder years are to come and DONT worry about the harder years. . just enjoy now

 #21718  by Wanderer
lol, i didnt meen it in a arguementitive way

i here whatcha sayin your probably right.

anywas, gl with life everyone, you all need it xxD

 #21832  by Ice
Stealth! Long time no see man! Hope to see you on again soon. :D