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 #21212  by Fazz
ty every1 peeps :D

 #21213  by saunby


*cough*I didnt know this for the past few days*cough :roll:

 #21214  by dent
grats fazz, welcome

 #21215  by NinjaSarah

 #21216  by Raziel
Congratz 8)

 #21219  by Fazz
NinjaSarah wrote:CONGRATUMALATIONS! *glomp*
lol 2 things

1. what the glomp for
2. what is glomp

Ill say this now so.... Ty every1 who says congarts, lol

 #21220  by NinjaSarah
Glomp is running and giving someone a big hug

and I just did it because I'm bored <.<

 #21221  by Sidious
congratz fazz.

 #21223  by Fazz
ty sid, and sarah... i have no words... that just confuzing...

 #21231  by NinjaSarah
lol I'ma confusing person what can I say? :P

 #21239  by Starcomand
welcome to the family

 #21240  by Kakashi.Archive
congrates on da entery bud =)

 #21241  by Wolferion
Congratulations and Welcome between us =)

 #21242  by Seive

 #21243  by Fazz
ty, every1

 #21244  by Sparky
Yipee-ki-yay Fazz, Welcome to the party!

 #21251  by Fazz
lol, ty sparky