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 #19038  by Dirge
hey guys, there has been a recent death in my family, Andrew Emerson Edwards, of 2 months old, died today, my nephew is in heaven as we speak, right now, im very shocked and dramatized, my nephew was a little bundle of joy, i loved him, my brother chad and his wife are very very very shocked

plz keep me in you prayers and thoughts, as well as my family

-CJ / Taker

 #19039  by saunby
aw man :(

sorry to hear dude, hope your alright :)

 #19050  by Starcomand
sorry about your loss take it easy

 #19053  by Darko
Sorry to hear about it.

Deaths suck.

 #19067  by Darfin
Aww. That really sucks.
Horrible if I were to pry? What was the cause?

 #19081  by Fluffy
My condolences. I wish you and your nephew well.

 #19103  by Chantelle
Many condolences too..

 #19127  by TYR
My thoughts & prayers go out 2 u & ur family Undertaker.

 #19128  by Sidious
what a tragedy, dont worry taker ill keep you and your family in my prayers.

 #19148  by Kakashi.Archive
My thoughts are with and family, srry m8 =(

 #19176  by NinjaSarah
Zannen desu, Undertaker.
Genki o dashite, Omedetou!

In other words.. I'm sorry for your loss, undertaker. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers along with my cousin. But cheer up and I give you my best wishes.

 #19187  by Kane
My deepest condolences for your loss Undertaker, While death has happened the spirit endures to be born again.

 #19258  by Dirge
Thank you, The burial was today, i was a paul bearer, and it was so hard, taking my nephew to his grave site