Who's at what rank?
 #1333  by Dark-Trooper
dont no if this is right place but

Darklink ever since u became my master i haevnt seen you :/
Now that is strange.

 #1336  by Phoenix
So what are you saying? You want a new master? or you dont see DarkLink enough? There is a thing called msn and x-fire. Please try to talk to these people before posting this.

 #1496  by Dark-Trooper
hmm ok sorry i do want darklink ...

But maybe am not on server at the right time ?
I didnt no darklink had x-fire msn

 #1542  by DarkLink
i have msn and its Darklink136@gmail.com

send me ur msn when u can

and im on the server alot >.>

 #1617  by DarkLink
come on plz add me to ur msn or st least give me urs >.>

 #1884  by Akimoto
This topic should be locked. -Dark trooper is out of KR so why is this thread even here? o.<;