Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #52  by Craig
Post links to your skin here but if u want a link to them on the site you MUST use the download form which can be found in the downloads section, we will NOT be takeing ANY links from here.


 #347  by Naraku
BEC [Gold, God-White, Green and Black]

These are some great TFFA models i made.
I do not always use them as much as the luke skin.
When i find my link i will post it here to.

 #10441  by TheMadDJ
Naraku wrote:BEC [Gold, God-White, Green and Black]

These are some great TFFA models i made.
I do not always use them as much as the luke skin.
When i find my link i will post it here to.
Dead Link

I use the silver dragon skin of jk3files. There's a problem with the sounds on the downloaded skin mind. All you need to do is open the pk3, go in the sound file, an rename that to the name of the skin, and not "greydragon" or whatever it was. If you don't understand how to do that, gimmie a yell and I'll email my copy.

Link-age : ... agon;49905

 #14047  by Tidus
:O Your using some1 elses pack instead of mine?! HOW RUDE

 #18465  by saunby
NinjaSarah wrote:Another skin I'll be using now and then... You'll understand why I like it once you see it <.<;25201
im hoping the server will be nice and windy next time your on XD

joking :D

 #18468  by NinjaSarah
lol once again saunby

You funny! =P

 #18493  by saunby
heh heh ;)

but seriously, its a pretty cool skin, though i wouldnt use it for obvious reasons XD

 #18502  by NinjaSarah
Lol...or would you? *Dun dun dun*

Lol jk :P

 #18531  by Tricky
They are more comfortable than you think.

 #18562  by saunby
Rofl, yeah but it might cramp my style :roll:


 #18635  by NinjaSarah
lol I'm sure it would xD

 #20784  by Sidious
I use a green or purple kel dor depending on my mood lol.