Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #18528  by RaVeN
Everytime i see this video it's like the circus song starts playing in my head
"Da da da dadadadadada da da da dadadadadada"

might need to watch it more than once
Last edited by RaVeN on Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #18537  by Darko
How do they not all crash..

 #18538  by Melissa

Id love to go but would never hire a car out there... id stick to Taxis

 #18547  by Darfin
Da da da dadadadadada da da da dadadadadada...

 #18557  by Soulreaper
lol wtf thats crazy

 #18559  by saunby
lol, that was funny O_O

heres a funny story for you all:

someone i know was going to india but he didnt know when he was actually in india so he asked and some guy just said, trust me mate, you'll know when your there. so he arrives at this deserted petrol station quite late in the evening and is thinking wtf, where am i, anyway, only a couple of minutes later a lorry came round the corner with two little boys hanging onto the radiator at the front, one of them was pouring water into the engine and the other was catching it as it fell out the bottom and handed it back up to the other.

true story XD

 #18624  by Melissa
Reminds me of that frogger computer game

 #18626  by saunby
haha, yeah, god that was a cool game when i was younger XD

 #18636  by Kakashi.Archive
There more cordnated then us >.>

 #18669  by Sidious
Dude people in india are freakin crazy, i wonder how many people die in india everyday due to car accidents.

 #18715  by Chantelle
Probably used to it...

I doubt there is alot less idiot drivers out there than over here.

 #18728  by Melissa
I think India's great i'd love to go!!

 #18744  by ShrunkenCheese
I wouldn't mind going to India, it'd make me look back home and feel rich lol

 #18745  by Melissa
They actually have a great culture and food.

 #18748  by Kakashi.Archive
ShrunkenCheese wrote:I wouldn't mind going to India, it'd make me look back home and feel rich lol

 #18771  by Melissa