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 #1518  by [E]FrostWolf-SG-
Heya got some questions regarding servers for you ^_~

1: What does a server cost and where can i look them up and do you have Any suggestions on servers / Sites i can look these things up ? ^_^

Anyhow i would want to know where one could check up on these things ^^ (not very familiar with buying/setting up servers and such)


ugh so tired, off to bed *ZzzZzzZZz*

 #1519  by Wanderer
well idk were to look...but i do know what they cost

i know that Star pays about $35 USD a month, so u should talk to him about the server stoof

 #1528  by Tidus
it depends how many players you want in the server and such. Theres many sites to buy servers from with different prices
just gotto google or something and search: servers for Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

 #1821  by Master Dennis
and if you wanna test how it is everybody has a server go to your gamedata there it should be and re-edit your server.cfg than open your server typ /exec server and run your game(dont shut down the server) and go to creat a game and have fun ;) (o yea the server will be donw once you shut it down ;) )