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 #473  by GRYPHON
I Just Found This Guys Lightning/Tornado Effect Tutorial Like My Signature :)
All Credit Goes To: Aran
Adobe Photoshop - lightning Effect

ok guys in this tuorial we will make an image like this ... _thumb.jpg

This is another quite long one so ill put the points in short

01. Open up a blank document around 500x500.
02. Set foreground color to black and background color to white if they aren't already.
03. Go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds.
04. Go to Filter -> Render -> Difference Clouds.
05. Invert the layer. [ CTRL + I ]
06. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Levels. [ CTRL + L ]
07. Set the levels to these: ... _thumb.jpg

08. By now you should have something that looks like this: ... _thumb.jpg

09. Duplicate this layer 3 times. [CTRL + J ] x3
10. Click on the second layer and go to Filter -> Sketch -> Chrome.
11. Set the settings to these: ... _thumb.jpg

12. Change the chrome layer mode to Overlay.
13. Change the 3rd layer's mode to Lighten.
14. And change the 4th layer's mode to overlay.

Doesn't look to good, huh?

Just mess around with the Hue/Saturation in each layer until you get some thing you are happy with. Don't forgot to have Colorize checked.

15. Click on your first layer again and go to Filter -> Distort -> Twirl.
16. Set the settings to the following: ... _thumb.jpg

17. Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Brightness/Contrast and set it to the following:

Brightness - -25
Contrast - +25

And you're done, here's what I came up with (also guys put wat u came up with) ... _thumb.jpg

 #1811  by Scythe
ummm.... coocookachoo?

 #1813  by Akimoto
O.O kinda nice... hmm.... might make a few wallpapers by following this idea..