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 #18010  by Darko
On Friday the 13th, 3 people had extremely bad luck.
On my beach.

A little girl of 6 was swimming out too far, the undercurrent dragged her further out.

Her dad saw her struggling to get back in and heroicly waded out and swam as fast as he could out, he grabbed hold of her and tried to swim back. But by than both of them were too far out, and the undercurrent was too strong. Both of them couldnt get back in.

Than an englishman broke out from the crowd watching on the shore and showing no regard for his own safety swam out.

All three drowned.

I was watching this the whole time, im not a sea swimmer so i didnt try to swim out.
Good thing i didnt in the long run.

Just would like if any of you could pray for them or think of them, the two men were amazing people. Cant believe this happoned with me there.


 #18020  by Zabuza
:shock: unfortunate <---- however u spell it

 #18023  by Melissa
Thats awful :(

 #18025  by Kakashi.Archive
Melissa wrote:Thats awful :(
same thing she said :(

 #18034  by Wanderer
wow, that sucks. but you cant help but admire the bravery of the 2 men who tried to save her.

 #18045  by Chantelle
Wanderer wrote:wow, that sucks. but you cant help but admire the bravery of the 2 men who tried to save her.
Very much so!

It is an awful turn of events

 #18057  by Exiamu
thats horrible :(

 #18060  by Soulreaper
i woulda tied myself to somthing then jumped in but who woulda carry a rope everyday where was the life guard 0.o

 #18062  by Sniper
Soulreaper wrote:i woulda tied myself to somthing then jumped in but who woulda carry a rope everyday where was the life guard 0.o
I agree to everything it was tragic, horrible, and must just be plain sad to see people die like that. And as obito said where was the lifeguard he should be on duty t all times. i mean, if he wasnt there no1 shouldve swam.

 #18063  by Soulreaper
i bet the life guard was a fat guy in his lil hut having his 6th lunch break

 #18071  by Chantelle
Soulreaper wrote:i bet the life guard was a fat guy in his lil hut having his 6th lunch break
I don't wanna be a prude here but, Paul watched this guy drown to death..

some thing like that can really make an impact on someone

Do you think that it is a tactful thing to make a joke about?

 #18073  by Starcomand
Chantelle wrote:
Soulreaper wrote:i bet the life guard was a fat guy in his lil hut having his 6th lunch break
I don't wanna be a prude here but, Paul watched this guy drown to death..

some thing like that can really make an impact on someone

Do you think that it is a tactful thing to make a joke about?

also not all beaches have lifeguards your lucky if you live in an area that has them like over here the closest we have is coast guard and you need to ring to get them there isnt ones that watch the beaches over here i wish there was i personally think that lifeguards do a great job if they save 1 life its worth them being there just wish more places could afford to have lifeguards on their beaches as then they would be a far safer place i know from experience its not easy to save someone in the sea i have done it once was just lucky was in right place at right time and i used to be a very strong swimer used to scuba dive etc thats y i have the upmost respect for lifeguards they put their lives in danger daily so as to try and save others so please dont say they sit and just eat lunches all day

 #18075  by ShrunkenCheese
That really is a horrible thing, watching 3 people drown and not being able to do a thing about it. And yes, it is horrible to joke about life guards like that. I was a junior life guard when I lived in California, and though I do eat a lot, when I was a JLG I didn't eat when I was at the beach, I'd eat a healthy breakfast, than I'd eat dinner, no lunch. And life guards do deserve a lot of respect, I was saved by one when I was surfing, my chord got caught in rocks and I couldn't get out, I thought I was as good as dead, then the lifeguard saved me from a dark watery tomb and thats when I decided to train to be a junior life guard. So please respect life guards and don't crack jokes in a post about something as tragic as this.

 #18077  by Soulreaper
ok look im sorry i made a joke bout a life guard in this post about three people deaths i feel sry for those who did die and the ones who had curage to face death like that. i did go a lil overboard with that and sry for all who got offended by me saying that i was just in the mood for a joke but i wasnt in the right topic and time for one sry for this..


 #18088  by Tidus
same thing happened here only differnt way.
2 guys in 20s were 'racing' down service road.
family of 5 were in a van and pulled onto service road and the 2 guys hit that van badly.
all 7 people died and now there are 7 crosses next to that spot.
crazy things happen...
scary thing is, me and my mom were pulling out of my dads store and looked left cause we heard a bang.
heres the thing i dont get. why is friday 13th so bad when theres also a thursday 12th wednesday 11th tuesday 10th monday 9th...
why are these dates not bad also?

 #18094  by Sidious
Well there not bad because there not plublicly known as bad dates, people just get worked up sometimes when they think that the terrible accident that happend was because of what day it was. It just a mental thing.

 #18111  by TYR
I'm sorry to hear of the tragedy & those 3 will be in my prayers. & I have the utmost respect 4 the 2 that tried 2 save the girl. & Darky, u will b n my prayers as well. I know to witness such an event can leave its scar on u.

 #18113  by Hailstorm
Everyday could be the last day your days to the fullest with the ones you love

 #18134  by Darko
Yeah it was a prity awful thing to witness.
Ill most likely feel it worse in a while when it actualy hits me.
For now im just trying to put it behind me.
Thanks guys