The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #17667  by RaVeN
The Council would like to welcome back into its ranks both Undertaker and Hailstorm!

Undertaker was a Knight when he left so he will recieve the rank of Jedi

Hailstorm will be coming back as a KR student

Congratz guys! I hope you will get the chance to meet some of the new members around here :)

And new members, make sure you take the time to get to know them as they have been in your shoes before :wink:

 #17673  by Dirge

 #17676  by saunby
haha, wb you two, GJ! :D

great to have you both back ;)

 #17681  by Wanderer
woot! WB GUYS!

 #17686  by Soulreaper

 #17687  by Hailstorm
thx :)

 #17699  by Exiamu
Wb i guess ill have to get to know you 2 a lil better..... ive fought one of you but still wb!

 #17700  by Grimm
sweet nice job guys

 #17703  by Kakashi.Archive
wb you too ^^

 #17718  by SD~
Grats taker and hail, even I know you two ><

 #17724  by Wolferion
Congratulations =) Welcome back

 #17730  by Darko
Dont think you two were there when i was, wb

 #17758  by Tidus
uhh yeah, like, whatever

wb :P

 #17768  by Kane
welcome back j00 two!

H4x0r and meh training dum..uhh buddy :P woo!!

 #17812  by Hailstorm
welcome h4x

 #17852  by Delev
welcome back.

 #17874  by Darfin