¡Hi there folks! I think it's been 10 years since I joined this clan and still remember the first time I went "oh jka has a multiplayer?" I played at TNA, lamed a little, got punished for it then didn't touch the multiplayer for like a week. After that, I decided to go back and found a server with "cool tags" and full of players. Once I joined I Inmediatly knew I had found something special, a community that took me in, taught me how to communicate in another language, how to have fun without ruining other peoples experience and most importantly, a sense of belonging, which I was in dire need of finding as a young chap. I spent countless hours playing with members, I've seen people come and go but the essence ALWAYS remains the same and for that particular reason is that I keep coming to hang out with you guys. Even though after all these years it's been proving difficult to find the time aside from every day responsibility, I always seem to have a thought for you guys.
It is time for me to step aside from the clan but not from the game itself, since you'll see me around on server goofing around.
I can't say anything but THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. I'll never froget what being a KR is, since it's a part of me now, I'll pass along those values I learned here and take them to real life.
Council members, can I crash the server one more time before I take the tags off?
It is time for me to step aside from the clan but not from the game itself, since you'll see me around on server goofing around.
I can't say anything but THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. I'll never froget what being a KR is, since it's a part of me now, I'll pass along those values I learned here and take them to real life.
Council members, can I crash the server one more time before I take the tags off?