The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #172238  by Sakito
The KR clan has voted neJi in as the newest edition to our family!

Neji - please check your messages box and this when you get the chance! :)
 #172240  by John
 #172242  by Falcon
 #172244  by meltingwax
i am so excited for neji to be in this clan. i would like to put forward the motion that neji instantly be given the highest rank and ultimate power over everything for all eternity (no takebacks)
 #172246  by Lurch
Congrats and welcome to KR, Neji. Glad to to see ya with us. YOU RANG?? :)
 #172249  by MasterM
 #172250  by Raiden
Welcome m8!!!
 #172255  by EvilTree
Welcome Neji!