This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #170691  by Lurch
Hello one and all and hi to the new members,

Its been a while but I have finally decided to return to JA, I have been playing JO quite a bit lately and I have missed you all and this game,

I never said I was leaving the clan, but real life prevented me from playing as often as I did, and I saw that I was considered inactive. I plan to visit the server again but its entirely up to the council if I return to the clan or not. Either way, I'm sure I'll see many of you there again.

I have reinstalled JA+, I just hope I remembered to do it right.
And I have noticed that my old Master Rogue has returned and in my absence I see Sakito is now an Arbiter, Congrats Saki. You earned it. :)

I updated my short profile and now under jobs (or w/e its called), I am proud to have RETIRED there. I became retired about a year and a half ago. Now I am living on my Social Security. Feels good not having to work anymore.

Anyway, I hope to see you all on the server. Take care and have fun.
 #170692  by jawfin
Hey mate, awesome to see you back :)
If you haven't already please check out this post viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1530
Really looking forwards to catching up on server, no doubt you got some tall tales *giggles*
 #170693  by Falcon
Heya Lurch :) good to hear from you!

Just to add to Jaw's post - once you are active again feel free to PM either myself or any other Council member(s) about reinstating and we'll go from there :)

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
 #170694  by Lurch
Many thanks and ty for the link. I read it and its understood.
 #170695  by Sakito
Hey-Hey Lurch! Long time no see! It's so good to see you :)
 #170696  by Rogue
Hey Lurch, it's so good to catch up and having conversations with you on the server. I know it been a long time, but welcome back. See you around on forum and server!
 #170697  by John
Welcome back to the game, Lurch!
 #170714  by MasterM
Good to see you again!
 #170729  by Lurch
Great to be back and be here. TY all very much. Its an honor. :)