This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #169887  by winter
hello i am winter, i am a goofball and i am funny and silly i love anime and starwars and startrack and i am also am a big nerd i love heros and stitch and i also like to hang out with people and have fun and i am also a great and kind person and i am always a happy person and i also like the kr members on the server and i have really good ideas .:) :D :idea:
 #169889  by deathscyth
look your account works lol even though I knew that already (thanks jaw for the activate on it) anyways hope to introduce you to the many great people of KR im sure a lot of them will enjoy talking to you :)
 #169890  by cf.Steak
Welcome to the forums! Can't wait to hear all of your ideas!
 #169893  by John
Welcome to the forum.
 #169894  by Sakito
Welcome to the forum! :)
 #169897  by Falcon
Hey there Winter :) welcome to the forums!
 #169900  by EvilTree
 #169904  by Joltz
Welcome to the website Winter! we've met but good to see u here :D
 #169905  by Jack Skywalker
The year is ending and Winter arrives at our forums!

Coincidence? Maybe not...

Hello there
 #169906  by jawfin

Of course, I'm in the antipodes, so she's either 6 months too early, or late!
 #169911  by reftor
Hey o/