This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #169830  by Sparky
Hey y'all,

It's been a long time since I have been here. There is probably a lot of new people who have no idea who I am or was. I used to go by the name of Sparky and I was a founding member of this clan many many many years ago when I was a teenager. We're talking about the days when there were members like:


And many more.

Back then, I was just a young kid - now I am a 30-something dude with a wife and daughter. I was a bit of a troubled kid back then, thinking the world owed me something that I was not entitled to. A bit of clan brat and as a council member - a bit of a power-crazed ass. With a lot more years under my belt and gray hairs on my neck - I am no longer the same punk that I was! That dude is long gone, dead, and buried.

I make no excuses for my mistakes. Life is too short for regrets. But for some reason, this site came across my brain - no idea why - probably because I remember a lot of great people who I became great friends with and just simply lost touch.

Where am I going with my ramblings - I just wanted to say how proud I am that this clan is still going in a game that has aged so well. None of the old vets in this clan could have imagined that we started something that has lasted decades.

These days, I am no longer known as Sparky. So let me introduce you to my alter ego - OverwatchBear. It would be great to reconnect with some of the older members, but happy to meet all the newer generation also, if you still like this old geezer knocking round.

I am on discord and steam, so feel free to connect.

And in case you're in any doubt on whether I AM the real Sparky - my catch phrase was "If you smeeeeeelllll, what the Sparky is cookin'?". A rip off The Rock back when I loved wrestling - but you never hear me say it these days (apart from this post).

Anywho - great to see/meet you all. Stay safe.

 #169831  by Yato
Hey Sparky! :)

It surely is a long time!! Welcome back!

I can related to that with all good memories with JKA decade years ago, even though I never been to clan all of my life until around 2014.

Nevertheless, I hope to meet you someday on forum, discord and even on KR Server.
 #169832  by jawfin
Hey Sparky (call yourself whatever you like, I'm sticking with Sparky!!) - welcome back to the forums :D

It should scare you to know that I am now the longest serving member of Council, and yet we've never met. KR Council, the next generation!!

So from the old club, you can still see around in the wings: Fluffy & RaVeN. Nintendo may very rarely pop his head up. Phoenix still owns and runs this website, but we never see him. HIME was an Arbiter when I joined, but she's gone for a while now! I did bump into Panther a couple of times - but as for the rest I've never met. I assume STARCOMAND & maybe Kenshin were active in Council back then too. I've bumped in ShinZagato, and his [now ex] wife - but again many years ago. Sometimes the old random one floats to the surface :) Like Wolferion is banging around here somewhere!!

I can't find it now but there was a Sticky of a post you wrote, which means like craig, your name was known - just not the person behind it.

It would good to see if you remember which end of the saber to hold, so if you're up for jumping on server that would be just awesome.
 #169833  by Sparky
Nice to meet you, Rogue.

Jawfin, I remember you well. Some of those names you've mentioned there I remember very well also. As to which end of the saber - I was a single and dual saber weilder who learned not to hold it by the sharp end. lol
 #169834  by jawfin
Oh, my apologies - I may not have been paying the attention I should have back then, and in which case well met again :)
 #169835  by Sakito
Hi there Sparky!

Nice to meet you! Welcome back to the forum! Hehe :)

Hope to meet you soon on the server when you get the chance! I'm more of a newer KR member. (Like November 2012 new :lol:)
 #169837  by Falcon
Hey there Sparky! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you, hope to see you server side some time! :)
 #169850  by MysticalPotato
Nice to meet you Sparky! Its so refreshing seeing people coming back to the forums or the server after that many years. Wish you all the best for you and your family.
 #169854  by cf.Steak
This game certainly has a way of drawing old players back to it!
Welcome back to the forums!
 #169888  by deathscyth
hey sparky glad to see you pop up if you ever find yourself on the server would love to test my dualies against you sometime you when and if you get back into the game and if so knock the rust off its always a pleasure to meet some older people of the clan even if they aren't still part of it i joined back in 2011 if im correct and KR just became my home away from home and my family
 #169899  by Fluffy
Hello Sparky! Good to see you again :)

Great to hear life is treating you well. Hang around and let’s catch up when schedules permit.