If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #169798  by toon
Dear KR Family,

Joining this wonderful family in early 2014 has helped me in ways that you can't imagine.
I was in a very dark place, and in that same year lost one of my closest friends to a tragic car accident.
Isolated in my room, it was you who was there for me when I couldn't go outside.
You kept me going because I had something to look forward to which was your company when hanging out on server and dueling, chatting and just messing with my favourite game.
You gave me a place where I felt welcome when I needed it the most, and I cannot describe how grateful I am for this and forever will be.

I am happy to say that now I'm doing great and over time learned how to deal with life. Just taking every day anew and trying to make the best of it.
I know that many of you have similar issues and I just wanted to share to show there is a way out, it just needs time - sometimes a lot of time.

While I am still actively playing on EU servers, I am just not able to be on much during your active hours (late nights/early mornings for me).
I am however checking the forums almost daily, even if I don't post I like to stay up to date.

Looking back, I only have great memories with you which put a teary-eyed smile on my face. Nights filled with deep conversations, KRON on Friday nights, trials, training sessions, exploring SP maps, messing with the bridge on t2_rogue, getting sniped by John, playing Minecraft, meeting my Aussie friends in person.... I could go on and on.

Please know that I love you all dearly and hold you in a special place in my heart forever. This is not a goodbye as I will definitely visit the server and forums still.

I wish you all the happiness and success in life, and that this truly amazing community will grow even bigger.

 #169799  by jawfin
Toon, I'm happy and sad to read this post. Happy we made a difference and you've found strength, but sad because it's like the kiddies have grown up and left home!!

It was super awesome to see you that time, and if you're ever in Australia again please do drop in again - which invitation is open to all KR members :)

But please do drop in on server on occasion, check the active player list at the top of the forums, as there may be someone on who'd love to see you.

Sending my love to you mate, and keep in touch :)

 #169800  by Rogue
Hey Cartoon!

It's good to see you on forum and I believe we just bumped each other about a month ago or older at KR Server when I came back from inactivity. I'm really sad to not used to see you on KR server, but that ok as long we bump again at the right time to visiting, there nothing need to be sad anymore, but instead being happy.

It has been a long time since we've been in KR back in 2014 together. We have so much fun at that time when we have a good conversations, dueling, being part of Clan Night, and KRON (Knights Reborn Open Night), and I am sure there are much more fun things we did back then in our times. I must thank you for all of your friendship we've made the progress in that time and you has helped us to grow and become a strong version of who we are. You has brought so much fun with us with joy and laughing, and even have a good times.

I will never forget the great time we has done for many years.

Thank you, Cartoon! You will be greatly missed here at KR. I hope to see you again someday when we catch up together.
 #169804  by EvilTree
 #169809  by Falcon
Good to hear from you again Toon, and I'm glad KR was such a positive experience for you :)

We wish you the best in all that you do. Don't be a stranger!
 #169810  by Jammer
Glad to get an update on you and know that you are doing well. Just know that there is always a home for you here!
 #169813  by Sakito
Splendid to hear that you're doing well Toon! We love you! :)
 #169815  by John
Good to hear from you Toon and glad to know you are doing well. I do miss my target practice though. :P
 #169824  by MysticalPotato
Best of luck my friend. Its sad to see you go but nice that you were able to overcome some of the hardishps life puts in our way.
Hop on server from time to time and we'll chat like we always do.

 #169949  by Limeoats
Take care Toon! Hope to see you around soon :)