Who's at what rank?
 #169659  by Droid
Hey<3 Sorry for make two posts but I talked to JD and Guardian more and I decided I'm gonna stick with single since i do have more fun in staff vs single but staffvstaff or duals I don't really care to play personally atm. And I tried talk GlenHal but didn't get response back so I'm just look for new master for single but I'd prefer if have discord cause i feel like it easier to msg about stuff there but it not a big deal
 #169680  by Jack Skywalker
I've already talked to Elsecaller about this and I'm dropping him as padawan, so I'm able to take you upon approval.
 #169681  by Glenhal
well, i will let Jack be your master, like I see, I don't have any time to play, so I let my padawan
 #169682  by Droid
Yeah that is what I figured Glen it's okay <3. I'd like have jack as master
 #169683  by Yato
Best of lucks, Jack Skywalker and Droid! <3
 #169686  by John
We'll need Elsecaller to post that he is ok with you dropping him first. Usually that should happen before you do another padawan grab.
 #169687  by Elsecaller
I have talked with Jack, and seeing how I will just be getting busier over the next year or so, I agree with him dropping me and taking up Droid. Good luck you two!
 #169688  by John
Ok then.


Get to it.