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 #169369  by Falcon
Allow me to tell you a tale...

Our story begins on a chilly (or warm probably, if you're in the southern hemisphere) November day in 2012. The KR clan had welcomed a certain player going by the name Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken into the family. Sakito was a fresh-faced new kid on the block and was just what KR was looking for! ...or was she? This reporter went to the streets to find out.

"Oh yes I remember that day well. Sakito joined the clan and KR was never the same. Boy was she something." - a totally real person
"Even back then I knew she was special. It wasn't until later I, no WE! would find out just how much!" - Jato, probably
"Feed me." - my cat

Anyway, Sakito's journey through KR was a bumpy one, as she will be the first to admit. She always had that spark and drive to greatness, but she had some work to do. It was never going to be an easy road.

Over the past nine years we all have had the privilege of watching Sakito grow into the person we know and love today. She is confident, charismatic, and never afraid to help out. She exhibits all the qualities of a great leader, and we in KR are happy to see her climb one more step in her journey in our family.

Congratulations to Sakito - our newest Arbiter! :)
 #169374  by Cult
Well deserved.

 #169375  by Jammer
Well this is a very well deserved and hard earned achievement. Congratulations Sakito!
 #169379  by Key
congratulations, Saki!
 #169380  by Zaluk
Nice job Saki, very well deserved! Congratulations :)
 #169381  by EvilTree
Congrats Saki! :)
 #169385  by Sakito
Trying to Comprehend what this post is.

..............Whaaaaaaaaaaaattt!?!?!?! :shock:

I'm completely speechless.....

......WHAT THE HEEEEEECK!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Still in shock and awe

Oh cheese..... where do I start? :shock:

First of all, I'd like to thank every single one of you here in the KR clan. You are all super duper amazing! I remember the time when I first stepped into the KR server. It was on that Vjun map with Vader's meditation chamber. Saw a huge FFA brewing in the middle of the map. I join in for a little bit and then stand on the side. It also happened to be the same map where I would eventually be invited to join the clan.
I remember talking to Lurch a lot because I was super nervous and shy that I wouldn't get in. :lol:

I might sound like I'm gonna repeat myself a lot here because.... honestly it's so hard to find the words to say how I never thought I'd truly get to this milestone in the clan. Arbiter... to me is like, I now have an even more prominent sense of responsibility and standing for what the clan stands for. Something that I definitely couldn't have done years ago. I had an abundance amount of growing up to do before getting here. Joining the clan when I was only 15, a Sophomore in High School. I'm 23 now, pursuing my dream of acting and music which I have been always super nervous and shy to do but it's something I been wanting to do ever since I was a kid.

Went through a very large amount of ups and downs to reach this point as Fal said.

I joined KR THREE TIMES!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Everytime I came back, always tried to improve myself in almost everything I did.
Not to mention failing the master trial twice and finally nailing it on the 3rd :oops: :lol:

I like to thank all of you here.

MetaDragoon - My master. I will never forget all of the things you have taught me about the lightsaber and as a person. You stuck to me even though I was a real pain in the butt. Always persevered through out all the challenges that came when training me from Level 0 to well beyond. You are a truly awesome person and glad I had you as my master to guide me in my journey.

Falcon, Zaluk, Jawfin - You guys were always there for me, whether it was to help me in my struggles, guiding me or giving me advice. Ya'll never turned me away even when I was super duper difficult :lol: :oops: :twisted:

Atsila - Bestie, I would have never seen this topic if you didn't text me this afternoon while I was eating mac and cheese and watching cobra kai. :lol: :lol: :lol: You're always there when I need you especially during all my dark hours and never ceasing to brighten my day. If this was Victorious, you'd be Jade West and I'm Tori Vega or if it was iCarly, you'd be Sam Puckett and I'd be Carly :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:

Deathscyth - I remember times there were times when we'd just be on the server alone, duking it out for hours, dualies vs single blade. XD You even showed me how to do the whole Dualies-Double Saber Lunge thing :D Thank you for being such an awesome friend to me.

MasterM - The mastermind behind my invite to this wonderful family. If it weren't for you discovering me on that awesome Vjun map, I would not be here. :wink: Thank you for inviting me and giving me a chance. :)

There's a ton of you I'd still like to mention but that would make an enormous topic, wouldn't it? Hehe.
The journey isn't over yet for this gal. I promise to continue to uphold the values that this clan stands for. I pledge to not disappoint any of you as this path continues.

I love each and every one of you so much, and that will never change. :D

Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken
 #169386  by MasterM
Congrats Saki, very well deserved!!
 #169389  by JediF
YAY! I am so happy for you, congratulations!!! :))))))) <33333
 #169395  by jawfin
About Arbiters

On occasion the question comes up: "why was Member A promoted and Member B not even noticed?"

Firstly they will want to be a leader - we would hardly want a leader who doesn't want the job. But it's not about power - if you care think about it, it is more responsibility, more work, more negative judgement against, and, no pay!

They would be in contact with the leaders, either asking for help or sharing a report or observations on server.

They would need to be as active on the forums as they are on server.

A leader is a person already doing the job before they are promoted. This means they peacefully control the server, handling the bad actions of others. Are upbuilding; a person you can talk to if you need a hearing ear.

They are keen to teach, have obviously trained a Padawan to Knight; and sometimes several, and don't neglect their Padawans. They may have taken the opportunity, as Master, to learn a second saber. Also as Master they can run Clan Nights. They will make suggestions to improve the clan.

This takes sacrifice, of time and emotion. Its not something most can afford to spare at the best of times - and make no mistake, leaders get burnt-out.

So on that point allow me to boast about Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken.

There's no question she always had leadership drive, it in fact has caused her issues; but as she notes, they've been overcome.

She has always contacted us when there have been problems. Nothing worse than there being a problem, which people know of, but we aren't told.

She has had 11, ELEVEN, Padawans. And not to talk too much out of school, but she took on a couple of ..hard cases.. for us. That is, she was prepared to take on Padawans which others were avoiding.

She has run multiple clan nights and even a few video nights on Discord.

She was the clan's ambassador for a while.

She took the opportunity to be an Admin Teacher as a Guardian.

She founded the Steam forum & it's social network.

She founded the Art Corner forum.

She founded the Combat Realm forum.

And there is no doubting her skill - although we aren't skill based there is a minimum requirement in being a leader!

The point I want people to take away though is we don't play the game and be in the clan to all become leaders. We each get something different out of the game. There are some who would prefer to be Student, just playing for fun with friends. Others just like the social life only. Others play because it allows a level of control, or escape, not available in real-life.

Being a leader is a sacrifice - and I am grateful to those who have put aside a bit of their personal lives to make it.

How to say this - if you're not at the rank you think you should be, the one you've comfortably fallen into, please let us know if you're not sure on how to progress, given you would want to!
In answer to that first question I asked - we do notice, just maybe you're not ticking these boxes listed here.
 #169427  by Elsecaller
I was gone for less than a week and so much has happened. Like whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Anyways congrats Saki! :D
 #169500  by Mandalorian
Wowie, congratz Sockitoe :)