This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #169032  by Uhtred
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone on here! Let you know I am going to start showing up here on your website more often now. You cant escape me now <3 hahaha. Hope everyone is doing well.

 #169034  by jawfin
I was going to say the moon, coz like, it's up every night. And then I thought the sun, for the exact same opposite reason.
Sorry, what was the question again?
 #169036  by Uhtred
How do I reply to an individual comment from someone else? I like the moon better go with that:P and i forgot the question already it seems. Also thank you mnsomc! :)
 #169037  by jawfin
You can use the bbcode quote command, like [­quote="Cookie Monster"]The moon is round, like cookie.[/quote] which looks like this: -
Cookie Monster wrote:The moon is round, like cookie.
 #169038  by Uhtred
Jawfin wrote:You can use the bbcode quote command, like [­quote="Cookie Monster"]The moon is round, like cookie.
which looks like this: -
Cookie Monster wrote:The moon is round, like cookie.

This is a test to see if it worked
 #169045  by Falcon
Heya Uhtred ;) welcome to the forums!
 #169046  by cf.Steak
Welcome Uhtred, and glad to see you on the forums! Hope you've been well!
 #169047  by Elsecaller
Hello There, Uhtred! I hope to see you around! :D
 #169049  by Uhtred
Thanks everyone :D I need to get a cool profile pic now then ill be all set
 #169168  by Uhtred
Joltz wrote:Welcome good friend! :D 8)
Thank you Joltz! Late reply but better that than never :P Hope all has been well :)
 #169182  by Uhtred
Jawfin wrote:Nice catching up with you on server :)
Hey Jaw yea was very nice! I think that is the first time I have ever seen you/chatted with you in server. Was very nice meeting and talking with you. Again, thank you for the reassurance you provided me! I look forward to more conversations!!! KR is where I will always be so I imagine I will run into you again! :)