This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #168822  by Wolf
Hey there KR, most of you probably don’t remember me and probably don’t remember my old clan The Exiled Knights. My name is Wolf for those who don’t remember me. I was a diplomat and later left the clan to earn title honorary member, with the now disbanded clan EK. I just wanted to stop in and say hello, it’s been a long time.

Hope you all are well and I’m glad to see activity in JKJA.

Wish you all the best,

 #168823  by jawfin
To be honest, I don't recall that well - but its super great to hear from you none-the-less!
 #168849  by Wolf
No worries Jawfin, I do remember you. It’s been a very long time. I made two posts here back in 2013 about clan events and that was it. Think I ended up hanging out on KR server from time to time back in the day. Glad to see you all are still around!
 #168850  by Wolf
Fluffy wrote:Hi Wolf! Welcome and stay for some tea :)
Hi there fluffy :)