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 #16859  by Kakashi.Archive
I wont be around for it, so i figured that id say Happy Fourth of July to all, ^^ or those that celebrate it.

 #16867  by Starcomand
everyone has a 4th july lol

 #16871  by Soulreaper
lol i bring a friend to my house and we get tubes and shoot bottle rockets at each other like rocket launchers man thats fun u guys gotta try it

 #17110  by ShinZagato
You should edit the main post to read "Happy 4th of July to all the US Citizens" considering...well..half of KR isn't american.

Oh well, happy 4th!

 #17116  by Zabuza
happy 4th of july

 #17118  by saunby
happy fourth of july to all you yanks ;)

i dont celebrate it but it gives me some sort of excuse to drink tonight XD

 #17126  by Darko
Happy forth of july and americans who won their freedom


Have a great day :D

Darky :wink:

 #17151  by Abarai_Renji
Happy Fourth People :D

 #17181  by Tidus
haha i just had a part happy fiouth hahaha :lol: :shock: :mrgreen:
bring on the beers ya!

 #17187  by Melissa
Ru'Mithri wrote:haha i just had a part happy fiouth hahaha :lol: :shock: :mrgreen:
bring on the beers ya!
:? what?

 #17207  by ShrunkenCheese
exactly what I was thinking Mel

 #17210  by Melissa
actually assuming he is obviously in US at the time of post the latest it would have been was 9:50pm but possibly 8:55pm..

If your drunk by that time... no more beer for you!!

 #17223  by Starcomand
any time can be beer time lol

 #17233  by saunby
Starcomand wrote:any time can be beer time lol

 #17234  by Chantelle
I think she meant if your drunk that early in the night...

 #17238  by saunby
then get drunker... go mad... yeah :D


im not an alcoholic or anything though :roll:

 #17285  by Melissa
Hey whoever is slurring at 8pm should slow up the pace!

 #17290  by saunby
yu'know, it all depends when you started drinking ^^

say you're slurring at 8pm but you started drinking at say 5pm then thats ok but if you started at 7pm and your'e slurring by 8pm the you're going a bit fast, i spose it all depends whether you want to go out and have a good time or whether you want to go out and get so f$!@ed up that you kill yourself (<-- over exagdurating :P)

 #17291  by Chantelle
all dayers are the killers slow progressive drinking from 12:30pm to late