Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #168307  by Falcon
Our favorite magical french fry has passed his Master trial with a destructive display of aerial single technique that left Cloud and myself in pieces on the ground! Trust me, we did not go easy!!

Status: Passed

Master Trial for MysticalPotato

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Cloud

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won
5. Won

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Falcon)
2. Lost --(Cloud)
3. Won --(Falcon)
4. Lost --(Cloud)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Won --(Cloud)
7. Won --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Cloud)
9. Won --(Falcon)
10. Won --(Cloud)

Final result: Won 5 / 5 (2 vs 1) & Won 8 / 10 (1 vs 1)

Very nicely done Potato :) your single technique has only gotten better over the years and I'm very happy to see you reach this level!

Please everyone join me in congratulating KR's newest Master!
 #168309  by Elsecaller
The Potato Was But The Learner, But Now He Is The Master. Congrats Mystic. As A Reward I Now Give You Every Nickname I Can Come Up With: Magical French Fry, Magical Baked Potato, MysticalTater, Baked Potato, Magic Tato', Shiny Potato, Mystertot, And Last But Definitely Not Least, Mystato! :D :D :D Again Congrats!
 #168310  by Primordial
Ayyy well done Fear! I mean, MysticalPotato, or Mystical. I’m very happy to see you get promoted you deserve it.
 #168319  by MasterM
 #168321  by jawfin
Nicely done mate :)
So what's you're saying Fal is we now have to cheat to beat him? Hehe
But very exciting to hear, good job!
 #168323  by EvilTree
Good Job Mystic! Well deserved!
 #168327  by MysticalPotato
Thank you guys!
EvilTree wrote:Good Job Mystic! Well deserved!
I thought you had forgotten about making my little cc fail a sig rofl