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 #166688  by Key
I'll probably get JKA on Switch... I have a feeling it's going to be mega hard, never liked the controller setup for JK2 at least
 #166780  by Akimoto
I have my doubts about it being cross platform. If it were cross platform, the handheld users would have close to zero chance. :P
 #167206  by meltingwax
I'm curious how they're going to handle multiplayer for JA. They can just release it with existing user-based servers as is, but companies don't tend to do that these days. However, it would save them a lot of time. I suspect they figure out some way to package the existing server software into a gaming-as-a-service model.
 #167595  by HolyWarrior
Do you know what this means? They are looking into this. If this gets more attention. There is a chance Disney may take the reins to bring this game back alive from the brink of extinction. I mean think about it. We are long overdue and this has been a dream of mine to see them bring back Jedi Academy it's rooted alive. Our server has prospered for years to come. I wonder if anyone has considered footage or documentary about how KR established and how it kept going for years? Disney would probably love to see this. As long we convince them not to destroy the true purpose of the game itself.

I was blown away to see Raven developers still in the projects because I downloaded Call of Duty Warzone and Raven Software seems to be a part of it too. I guess these devs are still around? And please don't go paranoid thinking they will ruin it. Disney is Disney. I am sure they don't wanna mess things around eventually they did with the movies but hey it gives us some chance for some new things to try out. Perhaps a huge makeover towards Jedi Academy. They can easily Makeover Jedi Outcast too. I don't see why they can just rehash the game and upgrade it better. Keep everything the same? Has there been any updated Quake engine software in due time since it's 2020? I wonder? I will have to do some research on this. I mean I can imagine Ray Tracing in Jedi Academy but that is beside the point. Don't need to be demanding or overkill but I would LOVE to see another Jedi Knight game in the works. It would be a dream true and modding can return. Let's hope to god we can have dedicated servers if they even ever happens!

They know how this game works but I do rather another dev because Raven never finished the game at all. Lucasarts originally planned another Jedi Academy PC game but it got canceled. I don't see why we can have another one but totally upgraded as long everything is still canon to the game itself. It'd be a dream come true and we can transfer ourselves to the new game and have a huge audience. But hope to god they have dedicated servers because I do NOT like matchmaking at all! I mean look at this? They are now adding this game to switch? Who knew? This means they wanna see how many people are willing to buy this. They are testing the public! We must hope there will be a spark to give us hope to bring the game back alive? Whose with me?