Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of KR!
It's been a while and I just wanted to stop by to say hello and update you on how life has been since we last spoke. I've been keeping myself busy between working the night shift at Pizza Hut as a cook and putting hundreds of hours into some games and not so much into others *cough*
Mainly I've been putting a lot of time into the Monster Hunter series between Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne on the the PS4, might play Iceborne on the PC as well when it comes out (but we'll see) and the latest game I've invested time into was Pokemon Shield. Lately I've burnt myself out on Pokemon and maybe even Monster Hunter a little bit, but it might be a good thing cause at least I can put more time into other games I want to play but haven't put the time into yet.
I also haven't put a lot of time into streaming or recording like I've planned to in the past, but I overthink things a lot and as a result I mostly just play a bunch of games for myself these days which I want to break the habit of. Mostly my hesitance is bred by wanting time to myself after work and it's hard to find that if you're streaming actively as well. Work has been treating me alright, got some decent money rolling in and preparing to better help the family pay off the house so hopefully that will be over and done with soon.
All in all this year and half of last year are nothing like when I had all the free time in the world and I don't always feel like I have the freedom to do everything I wish I could do with my time, but I'm still in a better place now than I was. I hope you are all doing okay on your end and life is treating you well!
This isn't anything of a return to KR at the present time, but I've thought of you all from time to time and figured I'd make an appearance to wish you all the best and hope all of you have a better year than your last!
That one haphazard guy,

It's been a while and I just wanted to stop by to say hello and update you on how life has been since we last spoke. I've been keeping myself busy between working the night shift at Pizza Hut as a cook and putting hundreds of hours into some games and not so much into others *cough*
Mainly I've been putting a lot of time into the Monster Hunter series between Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne on the the PS4, might play Iceborne on the PC as well when it comes out (but we'll see) and the latest game I've invested time into was Pokemon Shield. Lately I've burnt myself out on Pokemon and maybe even Monster Hunter a little bit, but it might be a good thing cause at least I can put more time into other games I want to play but haven't put the time into yet.
I also haven't put a lot of time into streaming or recording like I've planned to in the past, but I overthink things a lot and as a result I mostly just play a bunch of games for myself these days which I want to break the habit of. Mostly my hesitance is bred by wanting time to myself after work and it's hard to find that if you're streaming actively as well. Work has been treating me alright, got some decent money rolling in and preparing to better help the family pay off the house so hopefully that will be over and done with soon.
All in all this year and half of last year are nothing like when I had all the free time in the world and I don't always feel like I have the freedom to do everything I wish I could do with my time, but I'm still in a better place now than I was. I hope you are all doing okay on your end and life is treating you well!
This isn't anything of a return to KR at the present time, but I've thought of you all from time to time and figured I'd make an appearance to wish you all the best and hope all of you have a better year than your last!
That one haphazard guy,