In-Game Name: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio
Real Name (Optional): female (18)
Age: 35
Gender:female (18)
Email Address: 415-991-6998
Timezone: i don't know what that is. I live in the USA
Previously used names: i think derek was one of my ingame names ?
Saber type/style (Dual/Staff/Single): Singlee
KR Members you know or have spoken to: I remember talking to a lot of them that had the -[KR]- tags on!
Which KR member invited you?: Originally? ole Iron Balls Clankers
How did you find out about KR?: i browsed the browser to look for servers and randomly joined this one
How long have you visited the KR server?: i cant remember xD tens of days!
Former JA Clans: none
Write around 100 words on why you wish to join KR: i was just hanging out around the server and a lot of the guys seemed lonely so i wanted to join
One word that describes you: Phobia
oh no
Real Name (Optional): female (18)
Age: 35
Gender:female (18)
Email Address: 415-991-6998
Timezone: i don't know what that is. I live in the USA
Previously used names: i think derek was one of my ingame names ?
Saber type/style (Dual/Staff/Single): Singlee
KR Members you know or have spoken to: I remember talking to a lot of them that had the -[KR]- tags on!
Which KR member invited you?: Originally? ole Iron Balls Clankers
How did you find out about KR?: i browsed the browser to look for servers and randomly joined this one
How long have you visited the KR server?: i cant remember xD tens of days!
Former JA Clans: none
Write around 100 words on why you wish to join KR: i was just hanging out around the server and a lot of the guys seemed lonely so i wanted to join

One word that describes you: Phobia
oh no