Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #165667  by echo
So yeah that sums it up.

I promise to be good.

My lack of sincerity stems from me knowing this ban is full and welly deserved. I was multiple explicit words toward John, and Primordial especially.

So no expectations here really, but, you know, I have history here so I'd like to be able to visit.

Also I am sorry, believe it or not. I am aware I'm a subpar human being, and that is not self-pity speaking nor a catering toward others.

Do with this what you will. Like I said, no expectation, I am probably on of the receiving end of one of the most deserving bans for quite a period of time. Just was being a jerk. I apologize to John and Primo, profusely, and any others, regardless of the outcome of this quote unquote appeal. More just wanted to say I was off the handle and I understand.

Good you guys are still keeping a clean house :lol:

just for clarity's sake, these are words I would like to emphasize. also i forgot how quoting works sorry
Primordial wrote:Aye. I personally appreciate your honesty and apology, but it technically doesn't excuse your actions.
Last edited by echo on Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:35 pm, edited 5 times in total.
 #165668  by Primordial
Aye. I personally appreciate your honesty and apology, but it technically doesn't excuse your actions. I like we talked it out and got to know each other better in the end, despite you being banned. It's not up to me, but I accept the apology you have given, but if you were to be unbanned you'd need to be strict in following rules.
 #165669  by Uscari
From what I gather, you are still technically a member of KR. Why did you do this?
 #165670  by echo
Uscari wrote:From what I gather, you are still technically a member of KR. Why did you do this?

This is incorrect, as far as I know? :?:

As for why... I had a bad night? Too much sippy sip? There is really no valid excuse nor explanation... hence the acceptance. :?


Re-observing I see I'm ranked "Inactive" *cough*. This was not a thing for people like myself back then. Pretty much reserved for old council. So, I just read the message from Fal. Big Yikes from me. Who woulda thunk, a member banned? Un-ironic in some ways, ironic in others.

Though I consider myself resigned, for better or... just for better on most accounts, for you guys.
 #165671  by jawfin
Inactive means well, you didn't actually leave, but you were in a way around enough of a bit to acknowledge you're here. I guess it would be a kind of stepping stone to being removed. As inactive you are not technically a member - to be honest I don't know why that rank was applied to you, perhaps more of a kindness and respect thing than removing you completely.

As for your ban, that's for John to field.

It has to be asked though, why are you attempting to use proxies to connect to the server after you made this thread? One would question your sincerity.
 #165672  by Primordial
Seeing as it applies to this, I’ll say it here. Echo mentioned to me he was using a “bootleg” proxy to see if he could make it on server. He was using the profile “Glenhal get ...” (I’m not finishing that one off) because he forgot it was the last one there. He knows what it looks like, at the very least. I did mention it in the KR discord, and I’m certain John has seen it.
 #165673  by John
Your ban can be lifted. I get it that bad days happen. Just don't let it become a regular occurrence.
 #165674  by echo
I would like to note, the people involved in my ban and un-ban are honorable people. I thank both sides for their honesty, and I promise to act in an appropriate manner.

edit: swear to. i.e. john and primordial sorry dudes talk to me im ok i'll be fine.
 #165675  by echo
So one, who has known me longest, admonishes me

The other let's me go with a strong eye upon me.

I'm still banned.

I know I goofed. I would use explicit language, because it's the only way to verbalize how horridly I acted.

If you want to keep me banned, as I said, that's okay.

Can you guys keep to a cohesive conclusion though?

My "closest" friend on the council suggests keeping me banned. John says I'm okay, if i behaave. I'm still banned. Make your minds up, or do not. This is not the council I remember. And I will be angry; because I have been given conflicting conclusions, despite my behavior, this is unacceptable. Abide by yourselves.

In the meantime, I'll find a lesser server to play on. I'll see my friends in a year or so.
 #165676  by John
Jaw does the unbanning. He probably hasn't checked this again since i posted. Don't take the delay personally.