For a few weeks now, a one of a kind player made his come back on KR server. Every morning (and mostly in week-end), Flippy connects kinda early and start messing around in the server... but in a weird way.
Flippy would brag about his personnal life (nothing bad with it, but considering i know him much more than he think, i know he's a liar and he actually makes people worried about him, which he shouldn't do but w/e we aren't here for that today), but also spread a hella tons of hate speech (and also we should include laming but i'm not sure if i have evidence of it, i'll need to dig my demos...). It goes from LGBTQ community, black people, and to everything that doesn't think/act/look the same as him. For him, all of this needs to be killed and/or tortured or burned alive etc etc... This is really getting disturbing knowing that he bragged a lots of time about how he wanted to kill some people and how he was proud about when he apparently beaten an homosexual.
All of this, and only in a few hours of gameplay... every morning... This is getting ridiculous IMO, even more when he acts all normal when admins are on but then he goes full mad (or say dumb stuff in PM like he did to me when i was writing this admin complaints, you'll see on the screenshots).
Side note : i only started to take screenshots recently, and i don't screenshots everything that he says or else it'll make thousands and thousands of them. But he's way much more horrible and annoying than what you're going to see.

Here's the PM i was getting after i said i would post on admin complaint about his case (i lold tbh)

Flippy would brag about his personnal life (nothing bad with it, but considering i know him much more than he think, i know he's a liar and he actually makes people worried about him, which he shouldn't do but w/e we aren't here for that today), but also spread a hella tons of hate speech (and also we should include laming but i'm not sure if i have evidence of it, i'll need to dig my demos...). It goes from LGBTQ community, black people, and to everything that doesn't think/act/look the same as him. For him, all of this needs to be killed and/or tortured or burned alive etc etc... This is really getting disturbing knowing that he bragged a lots of time about how he wanted to kill some people and how he was proud about when he apparently beaten an homosexual.
All of this, and only in a few hours of gameplay... every morning... This is getting ridiculous IMO, even more when he acts all normal when admins are on but then he goes full mad (or say dumb stuff in PM like he did to me when i was writing this admin complaints, you'll see on the screenshots).
Side note : i only started to take screenshots recently, and i don't screenshots everything that he says or else it'll make thousands and thousands of them. But he's way much more horrible and annoying than what you're going to see.

Here's the PM i was getting after i said i would post on admin complaint about his case (i lold tbh)