Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #164825  by Veneratus
I was playing on KR server (11/01/19 11:00PM GMT) and I was had a conflict with an admin. I was practicing the hits on myself. Admin (Primordial / Clank) abused me with amsleep because and said I cannot attack another character. But according to the rules written by Pho:

(1): Laming is not allowed. Laming is the attacking a player who has their saber down, or their chat up. Melee counts as a saber.

So I am not attacking a player, I am attacking myself.

I also asked if I can be teleported to the roof because admin told that new players can see that and think It's normal. But I was teleported but in sleep.

Is that really how admin should treat players? The rule was not broken. I asked for teleport to the roof so I can train and chill there, but instead I was abused and left on the ROOF in amsleep.

 #164826  by Veneratus
I have also explained to the admin that I am not agreeing with the punishment and after the 15 minutes in amsleep I decided to quit the server, and explained to the admin, that I am not avoiding, just tired of sitting in amsleep with no admin help.

Note though, this observation of our rules: you actually have to go out of your way to break them. You have to be attacking someone verbally or physically to break them. You have to actually be attempting to deprive another player of their fun or sense of comfort. (c) Jawfin.
 #164827  by Clank
I call this one

''How to write a post to specifically help your case'' 101

Step no.1: Leave out the facts that stand against your case

You have been warned not to attack another ''player'' with saber turned off, and politley explained why you should not do so even if said player is just yourself from a different client.

Step no.2: Claim that no rule was broken hence the punishment was unjustified!

If you really cared about training on yourself and not so much than have an argument with admins and waste time, you would've just turned on your saber on the ''dummy'' client that you were practicing on (hence no laming would have occured then)

Step no.3: ????

Step no.4: Profit

If my memory serves right, you yourself have been an admin once, meaning you went through admin school, meaning you know about the fact that no laming of any kind is allowed on the server, no exceptions. Just because you choose to look at words the way you want to see them doesnt change what they were supposed to mean. You attacking another player (or character for the sake of your argument) is still considered as laming therefore not allowed. (this also being explained on the server)

You being in this situation is on you alone, instead of cooperating with the admins when it was asked of you politley, you choose to argue, disagree and even provocate a reaction.

Like I said on the server, when you are beeing punished, there is no discussion where we give out points and arguments where we choose to agree or disagree.
When have you seen a criminal in jail saying ''I am not agreeing with the punishment'' and the officer replying to him ''mkay you free to go fam''.

You were being ignored by the admins on the server because after efforts being put in trying to talk to you, you choose to keep driving an endless discussion which had no positive outcome for any of the parties, so you were given with the option, ''Agree with the rules or stay on the floor, until then you shall be ignored''.

I personally feel that all of this is unecessary to explain to you as it all seem like you had a boring night and decided to log in, troll some admins, get some gags in before going to sleep.
But then again since this IS an official report, I am obliged to answer with an official response.¨

Just for refference, reason laming isnt allowed even on yourself is to not make newbies think its an okay thing to do. Also admins are not obliged to teleport you anywhere...
 #164828  by Primordial
What Clonk said.
I also asked if I can be teleported to the roof because admin told that new players can see that and think It's normal. But I was teleported but in sleep.
I think some things you are missing out are when I asked you politely to stop laming yourself, and I explained why not, yet you continued doing so, this is also after Clonk asked told you why as well. As soon as that happened I slapped you, pulled out the 'No Laming' bind, and then afterward when you continued after being slapped, you were slept for laming further. I then tried to explain and talk to you, but you were provoking a reaction and I ceased to speak to you.

I then after a while said something along the lines of "You need to stop laming. I need you to agree to the rules".

If need be, I can provide some logs.
 #164829  by Veneratus
If you really cared about training on yourself and not so much than have an argument with admins

I have explained that I did not attack another player and if anyone is unhappy about me practicing the way I do, I would like to move to the roof, and practice there.

Just because you choose to look at words the way you want to see them doesnt change what they were supposed to mean.

You are the interested person, why your opinion, in this case, means anything? If the admin abuse post is written regarding the issue in which you are involved, then why do you act like a judge? Weird.

If my memory serves right, you yourself have been an admin once

Correct. And I was taught to keep a friendly atmosphere on the server. You and other admin, have decided to abuse. If I am not causing any problems for other visitors, then why you as an admin just help me and teleport me to the roof? Why admins gives /amsleep but teleports me to the roof.

You are arbi admin, hence experienced. What was your problem? You could simply /amtele me to the roof and I would chill there. Oh right. You were too busy spawning vehicles on the maps, so players were killed by them, consequently lamed.

Don't get me wrong. I like KR. I was an admin. I lost my admin. And now I see arbi who just do not care about visitors.

And I will quote Jawfin again, for you Clank:
You have to actually be attempting to deprive another player of their fun or sense of comfort.

You and Primordial just deprived another player of their fun or sense of comfort. I did not attack any other player, and you did not want to help, just to show that your EGO is higher than mine. Well, it's internet. It's ok. It's KR server and KR rules. But please, do not pretend that you care about KR spirit after this day. :?
 #164830  by jawfin
Hey mate. Here's how it stands, you were attacking another player, another client. I can understand how you would think that is only training for yourself, but only you see that - everyone else would see you attacking a player who is not fighting, it would been see as laming - because that is what it is by the definition of the rule. Otherwise: "If he can hit that player and not be laming, so then I can as well."

I'm not sure what precisely you goal in making this thread is, to the casual observer it reads as trolling. Perhaps you're thinking we should adjust the rules to say: "No laming .. (unless it happens to be another player being controlled by the person who is hitting it, in which case only you can do this if you run 2 clients and clearly explain to everyone who is on that this shouldn't be considering laming just because)".

I would hope you see how patently absurd that is!

As it stands it is not Admin Abuse to enforce the known rules (rules I believed you once signed to agree to).

An Aussie would say "give yourself an uppercut" - I mean if you are really into hitting yourself..!!
 #164834  by jawfin
The pm I received from Veneratus indicates this thread is not specifically about Admin Abuse as such, so I will lock it in this forum.

@Veneratus please feel free to post what you really want to say, maybe in Anything Goes?
