If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #164680  by Charm
For the last week, I have been drafting a copy of a resignation letter to post here. This will be my 3rd attempt (and hopefully last >.<) at writing something that I have struggled with. This time I'll keep it short and see how it feels.

I am leaving KR. I did not want to resent anyone or thing about this place and feel it is necessary to get out before that happens. So with that being said, It has been a pleasure getting to know you all. I mean that truly from the bottom of my heart. For two years now I have gained many brothers and sisters for which I am thankful:

I had never considered the possibility of making legitimate friends in games. Yet here I am, grateful to have met everyone. Being able to share happy experiences around becoming a better member, improving your saber combat, or even how to climb a mountain has been an honor. So for that, I thank you KR.,

Rogue I will always love you, buddy. I have spent more time just talking with this amazing person than any other in all of JKA. Late nights on FFA4 with Kitty and Rogue were some of the most memorable ones for me. I have said this time and time again Roguey, but let me reiterate it once more for you and everyone else to hear: Rogue, you embody everything that made me proud to put on KR tags. A perfect representation of the amazing type of person that a Knight Reborn can be and one of the kindest and positive spirited people there are in this world. Thank you for everything you did for me when I was learning to play JKA and thank you for your never-ending effort to make this place great. You will forever be a close and dear friend to me. Never settle for anything less than greatness.

I don't want to drag this out and make it long-winded. Hopefully, I will catch everyone on the server in order to talk if need be. Feel free to pull me aside too if you have questions that I did not address here! The last thing people like is a drawn-out resignation post xD

I want to stress one final thing before I submit this to the forums: you guys can always ask me for anything! Anything at all. It is the least I can do. I fully intend on continuing to come to the server on a regular basis. It is my home away from home. Can't imagine a world without it.

Thanks again for two amazing years. I am sorry things must end this way for me. And there will be no goodbyes today because I'll always be here if anyone needs me. See you on the server KR. It's been a great run which sadly has come to an end for me.
Last edited by Charm on Sun Jan 06, 2019 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #164681  by Sakito
We love you so much Charm!!!
 #164682  by Primordial
Charm it is sad that it has come to this, but no matter what I will respect and like you. Hope you continue to have as much fun without the tags as you did with them.
 #164683  by Zaluk
Shame to see you go Charm. See you around.
 #164684  by Clank
~moved to leaves

Sad to see you go bud, hope you come back eventually on a later date.
 #164689  by EvilTree
Good luck navigating the winding roads Charm. It's been a blast man : )
 #164693  by Guardian
Really sorry to see you leave, and sorry that you feel the need to get out before some feelings turn sower...we love you bro and you always have a home here if you feel the desire to come back. I wish you all the best and may the force be with you. <3
 #164694  by Uscari
KR has been made a better clan for having you as a part of it. Although I'm sad to see you no longer be a member, I look forward to continue seeing you contribute your attitude and talents to this community.

You are always welcome here buddy. :)
 #164698  by jawfin
Hey Charm, I always had fun along with you on server, so it's a little sad you now won't be getting our CC jokes! I'm very happy you're sticking around though mate :)
 #164700  by Rogue
Hey Charm! It's so heartbreaking to read this. However while I am appreciating your positive remarks and respect your decision to resign. I want to say that I have so much fun with you, and I've glad you learned and understand what KR values are all about especially in teaching and mentoring, you have made a good impacts most of us. You passed with a flying Colour! Thank you for all what you've done for us. I will always respect your resignation and will see you around whenever you're on our server. See you around and don't be a stranger!

 #164701  by MysticalPotato
Oh Charm, hate to see you go. You are one of my favorites.
Keep coming to the server, please. ¡Love ya bro!
 #164713  by MasterM
Sad to see this, but please keep in touch! Best of luck in the future!
 #164717  by John
Sorry to see you leave.
 #164730  by cf.Steak
Thanks, I hate it.

I appreciate all of the time you spent training me.
Take care, big homie.
 #164771  by Samurai X
I am really sad to see you leave the clan buddie, only good memories with you. The pleasure was mine!
Keep safe and see you on the server dude!
 #164950  by Squidlord
Sad to see you go buddy, it's been great being able to spend what time I could on server with you! Take it easy and hopefully we will see you back
 #165017  by Sam
sad to see you go it was nice knowing you. cya around!
 #165031  by Nintendo
Sorry to see you go. I felt you were awesome and had fun for the short time I got to know you. Thanks for the fun and good luck