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 #164371  by Xen
This is xen, the one some of you may know in the KR server on JKA.

Simple offer: i will pay for KR to have another server in JKA with the only stipulation being all force powers are enabled. I want no admin. I want no rcon pw. I want no control, other than I will pay $ so long as force powers are enabled. Other than that your server your rules.

My reason: I enjoy force fighting and force duels and I think some of you would too if you tried or learned. I don't have the time to manage my own server and there doesn't exist a good force server right now (other peoples' settings and population suck).

Please consider this. A whole fun aspect of the game isn't enjoyed anymore and it could be at no monetary cost to you.
 #164375  by Clank
There is a reason the most populated servers dont have force turned on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 #164385  by jawfin
Hey Xen, thanks for taking time to post and considering KR with your offer, we are flattered :)

As it stands for the now, KR has always been a non-force & non-weapon server (for 15 years). This was established from the foundation, even by members who are for the most now unknown, from generations ago as it were.

Whilst this probably isn't the observation of the original Council, we have noticed that the majority those who play base, or are full forcers, even the weaponised servers, are far more focused on winning, of the skill. Where the ego of the winner, or being better, is more important that maintaining a strong clan. Imagine the clan which is based on skill alone - the highest ranked going to those who win duels. I can't point to any, because, of the many that have existed they are all dead. You can even see the doomed legacy of such when some on the JA+ server say "face me on a base server, then we'll see who's better" - I personally deliberate that something fundamental must be missing from their life that this is how they seek compensation, but I digress.

Another aspect is KR as a server and a clan is successful due to our structure, which is inherently, but not directly, is based on skill. Where the skills taught from Master to Padawan are passed on. Within this structure is also the teaching of admin - which, is really, the teaching of how to lead. A skilled admin would rarely need to actually use their powers. On a FF server the ability to break the rules is more diverse, and we have no wish to make our admins do more baby-sitting than is already required.

On top of that, there are practical problems. Another reason for KR's success, or at least longevity, is our security. In other words, even the worst clans with a person decent with security won't be losing their clans & servers due to criminal activities (like DOS). Our security is tied to the server, its application level, tied to game directly, its not only just Operating System firewall rules. This means only one server could get the level of protection needed to keep it safe from the haters.

After all that is said and done though, KR is a no-force, JA+ clan.
That is the clan I joined, and for those reasons.
This would also apply to many of the KR players.
We like the honor system, the respect shown and given, that having fun and feeling safe is more important than winning; or even diversifying our skills.

But, absolutely, if you get around to setting up a FF server - please post here and tell us all about it.
I can offer limited help with some setting up (limited only due to my time, and, not being able to share proprietary applications).
 #164454  by Jurell
Aww my mans I'm sorry force is no longer as populated as you like, but hey you're still the FF king!
 #164461  by Cookie
@Jawfin Can't we make a new dimension where force could be allowed tho?
 #164610  by Xen
Jawfin honestly, this isn't about who's better anymore than a saber duel would be. It's about playing.

This would be a fun side thing for you guys. Emphasis on -side- thing. Your settings make abuse impossible in the same sense as it does for saber combat.

I'd gladly teach/show you tricks or I'd just bug off if that's your preference.

Please reconsider as a group.

It's not possible to have a force-on alt dim unfortunately since that'd be ideal.