This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #163886  by Wowza
As you may know,
I'm Wowza. Here are a few things about me.

Things I like:
-Toast. Any kind of toast.
-Coffee. Preferably black coffee.
-Star Wars (why else would I be playing this game? Oh wait)
-Games with good combat systems.
-Trap music and Throat singing
-Anime (Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Bubblegum Crisis)
-My job

Things I dislike:
-Disney Star Wars
-Live Action remakes of old Anime

(I know this looks bad, I'm doing it on a phone lol)
 #163887  by g0dchris
Welcome to KR-forum Wowza! ( :
Interesting list, can agree with nearly all of them! Of course Cats should be on top, because they are the cutest
(i guess Jawfin would put birds on top).

Hope to see you soon on server.

 #163888  by EvilTree
Hi and welcome to the forums! :)
 #163890  by Wowza
Ty guys! Yeah I wasn't thinking about the order of how I should post this but maybe next time for you two when I make a list like this, I'll put birds and cats at the top lmao
 #163893  by Primordial
Welcome, dude. Saw you on server. I hate trap music too, dogs are the best pets, and metal music for life \m/.
 #163894  by Wowza
Ty guys. Yea metal is good too. I listen to jist about anything not country.
 #163906  by Falcon
Welcome welcome :)
 #163910  by Jagged Fel
Welcome to the forums =D Against Disney Star Wars? :O Nice, I have a new friend \o/ I thought I was alone xD