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Cagebattle Match: Which times will be the best for you?

Sunday: 2pm EDT
Sunday: 8pm EDT
No votes
Sunday: 11 EDT.
 #163665  by Rogue
Hey Guys!!! I haven't hosting for a while. While Guardian and I has discussed each other about Cage battle Match.

Before I go on and give you all of details on how the events works and so forth. You may be wonder: What is Cage battle Match. It is 1v1 events that in the closure cage compared to the last time I've host the tourney you may remembered.

I know it's not very easy to find better maps that do have cage battle match, but instead we will do on t3_stamp.
The door that lead to force field will be locked when event is hosting so that way no one can interrupt their events.

Now onto how the event works and what is the Rules:

1) No laming. Laming rules do applies into event. All of regular rules are applies too. Laming is attacking on unarmed players when their sabers are off or when their chat bubbles are on.
2) All Participants will be in cages and duel each others by randomly until the leftover or 1 person in the cage win.
3) Do not use Ysalimiri to opens the cage until the host say it ok to do so.
4) Host also can use different types of events to make this more fun and enjoyable for everyone.
5) Most Importantly: To have Fun!!

If you have guys have any questions, now is the time to sends. We're very happy to answer all of them as we can.
Last edited by Rogue on Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
 #163674  by Sakito
I can only make it to the last one, which is 8:00PST for me. Cause I got work on the weekend from 1 - 7 PST. >.<
 #163686  by Ret Larkin
2 questions: Is this a members only event? And is that 11pm on Sunday?
 #163687  by Rogue
Ret Larkin wrote:2 questions: Is this a members only event? And is that 11pm on Sunday?
No. It's not only for member. If this was member only, then this thread will never be existed. So it's for everyone to joins. There are an options of these times where you can find an available times. I do not know what is your timezone is.

When the poll is about to expire, we will determine which has most votes on these time by options that you can see above, so we can starts hosting on these timeframes.
 #163690  by Ret Larkin
Alright thanks, the above times are 2pm, 8pm, and 11. It doesn't say whether it's 11 am or pm?
 #163691  by Rogue
Ret Larkin wrote:Alright thanks, the above times are 2pm, 8pm, and 11. It doesn't say whether it's 11 am or pm?
Ah I didn't noticed. Since I no longer has an edit button, it should be 11pm EDT.
 #163694  by Ret Larkin
alright. thanks, Rogue. I can make it at 11pm. That would work best for me.