Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #163603  by Zaluk
g0dchris has officially passed his Knights trial with g0dly proficiency! Congratulations!

Status: Passed

Trialer : Zaluk
Assistant : Sakito

2 vs 1:

1. Lost
2. Won
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Zaluk)
2. Won --(Sakito)
3. Won --(Zaluk)
4. Won --(Sakito)
5. Won --(Zaluk)
6. Won --(Sakito)
7. Lost --(Zaluk)
8. Lost--(Sakito)
9. Won --(Zaluk)
10. Lost --(Sakito)

Final result: Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1) & Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1)

Well done Chris, well deserved :D

And congratulations to MysticalPotato for achieving Guardian!
 #163604  by Sakito
Yay!!!!!!! Congratz!!!!!!!!!!
 #163613  by EvilTree
Congrats Chris! :)
 #163617  by Mike
Congrats guys x)
 #163618  by MasterM
 #163619  by Syzyx
Good onya m8!
 #163620  by John
Good work!
 #163622  by Ted
Grats GranPaddy
 #163642  by Lurch
congrats Chris and MP. well done. :)
 #163669  by Samurai X
Well, you have a God in your name...
Congrats my brotha!!
 #163672  by Charm
nice job chris!
 #163673  by g0dchris
Thanks very much! ( :