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 #163579  by Smoke
Help, my grapple bind won't release the grapple and I just get stuck. If I walk along the ground I can't move, if I hit my binded key again I just get sent back to the grapple. Has anyone else ever had this issue?
 #163587  by Smoke
I think I got it now. I was using the base JA all this time. I uninstalled on steam and now have JA+ v2.4 build 7. All is well and R will release it and it make much more since now. thanx.
 #163588  by jawfin
If anyone else stumbles across this thread with the same issue, and the "use" button doesn't free the grapple, then do this in the ~ console: -

And note, stop writing scripts with grapple in them >.<
 #163589  by Smoke
is it just me or ppl with the base JA that use grapple really fast don't have the latest version installed? I used to be able to do that, now that I have the latest version I can't only use grapple once and now I have to use R to loose it. can anyone confirm that?
 #163598  by Sakito

Usually you just hold your grapple button on KR's server up until you latch onto something. If you keep holding it, you'll move fast towards the end to where you latched onto. And use your "use" button to unhook it. Unless you write a script that shoots and releases grapple in one button.
 #163646  by Berserker
Smoke wrote:is it just me or ppl with the base JA that use grapple really fast don't have the latest version installed? I used to be able to do that, now that I have the latest version I can't only use grapple once and now I have to use R to loose it. can anyone confirm that?
Correct, you have to hold the button down to approach your 'grappled' target, once you let go your grapple is disabled. Unlike with ja+ where you actually DO have a grapple hook that will not let go until you hit your 'use' button.
 #163648  by Rogue
What Berserker and Sakito already has mentioned what are difference between no plugin and have plugin. I've noticed some visitors tends to rely on /+button12. I wouldn't suggested that because you can grapple, but it will never stopped at all, and it will constantly shooting grapple everywhere. If someone did that command, you can do an opposite of plus with minus /-button12.

Bottom lines is: Don't use /+button12, I highly suggest you to bind with /bind <letter> +button12. It will allowed you to grappling anywhere and you can turned it off with "enter" or "R". If you have a plugin, you will need enter and R to release it. And If you don't have a plugin, you might not need since grapple will not stick there. I can promise you that it won't spam grappling like what I just mentioned above. I can understand these can feel like a needle into a haystack. I hope our advices may helps you in some ways =)