This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #163114  by fastkillêr
Hi this is fastkiller captain of king team, the best base team on the late jka times. We are ready to wreck kr clan by sabering your models till you die, and so on. This is not a joke i want to have a war against you. Please. 8)

Didn't find war topics so I posted it here sorry forum admins.
 #163115  by Primordial
"captain of king team... best base team... ready to wreck kr clan" - Could you sound any more ignorant and obnoxious? JKA has no base teams anymore, and clan wars aren't prevalent in JKA anymore.
 #163116  by fastkillêr
It obviously has base teams at least one. I would be glad if you turn your saber on and I rek you, thanks Primordial.
 #163119  by Ted
I'm not gonna waste my time personally but if you fancy some 1v1s, press k and let's see what happens
 #163121  by Cloud
hello good sir, 'i think you meant team of bassers' and if onto that subject, we aren't into bass competition. this thread needs more cowbell.
 #163124  by Loki
Press K
 #163125  by fastkillêr
Cloud sir, king doesn't matter wheree to fight, we will fight japlus, japro, jedi outcast, single player party, xjumps competitions, tffa all vs me, or whatever. I'm pressing K already
 #163126  by Cloud
let's skip the charade, you and me. in real life. lets do this :o
 #163128  by Mike
I'll press k, then I'll press f to pay my respects.
 #163129  by jawfin
Heh fastkiller. Oh, can we use admin? Then we could tele you into a wall and play pinata! At least that's the only way I could win (besides spawning a rancor on you, or tele'ing you down a pit, or using server slay...) :D

Hmm. /bind K amslay fastkillêr
I'm ready!!
 #163136  by Frog
this is the making of a great anime