Check out what is happening with the servers!
 #163087  by Loki
I think we need a map rotation overhaul, t1_sour was not a big hit with a lot of the casual visitors, due to small ffa area and people not knowing how to get around the map. I've had requests to vote for a skip on it almost every time the map started there this past week. We need some of the old maps back like rift, t2_rancor, etc.
 #163088  by jawfin
In all politeness to Jam he didn't resolve the issues I identified which made it unadaptable for me, and didn't lock down the outer rooms and made the 4 sections doors work. So I'll take it off rotation - but know it's there for anyone wanting fun with it.
 #163102  by Jammer
Jawfin wrote:In all politeness to Jam he didn't resolve the issues I identified which made it unadaptable for me, and didn't lock down the outer rooms and made the 4 sections doors work. So I'll take it off rotation - but know it's there for anyone wanting fun with it.
I understand, I just like having different options if people ever want to do something different. Personally I would probably vote for a rotation that sticks more to just the normal FFA maps with maybe just 1 or two custom maps. like a rotation of say ffa3, ffa2, SP map of choice(probably vjun3), ffa3, ffa4, ffa5, ffa3, ffa1, sp map of choice, and ffa3. You could probably even cut it down to just one SP map. Just from a general observations from playing this game that on a whole people are going to be more active and complain less about a map with the main ones so just for the general just day in and out playing the rotation just be almost exclusively them. Now don't get me wrong I love SP maps and have probably had more memorable moments on them than on any ffa map, but in general I feel there has to be a more focused reason for being on there like an event or just enough people want to do something different. This might not be the place to suggest this, but perhaps we should fully resurrect in some sense anyway a form of what KRON was, but use the variety of SP maps to think of ways that we could use them to hold unique event on that can help highlight the strengths of them. Anyway that is just my thoughts on the rotation. It might be crazy, but its just an idea. :D DISCUSS!
 #163104  by jawfin
For the sake of discussion with room for improvement, this is the current rotation: -
time: 60; map t2_rogue
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 90; map mp/ffa1
time: 60; map vjun3
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 60; map t3_stamp
time: 60; map mp/ffa5
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 60; map kor2
 #163346  by Primordial
Jawfin wrote:For the sake of discussion with room for improvement, this is the current rotation: -
time: 60; map t2_rogue
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 90; map mp/ffa1
time: 60; map vjun3
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 60; map t3_stamp
time: 60; map mp/ffa5
time: 90; map mp/ffa3
time: 60; map kor2
t2_rogue as a map, generally a lot of us despise (including me) and I think it should be replaced. I propose ffa2.
 #163347  by jawfin
We all have this love/hate relationship with Rogue - oh yea and the map too :P
It's just quite not big enough for FFA, even with the duelling area launch-pad.
I'll switch it out and see what feedback we get :)
 #163349  by Primordial
Jawfin wrote:We all have this love/hate relationship with Rogue - oh yea and the map too :P
It's just quite not big enough for FFA, even with the duelling area launch-pad.
I'll switch it out and see what feedback we get :)
Nice, thanks big man.
 #164179  by Primordial
Just like Rogue, we all have a love/hate relationship with t3_stamp. Although I really enjoy t3_stamp, think you could replace it with Yavin1? Box map for box map, but Yavin1 has more to it including teleports and taun tauns. I know more people hate it than enjoy it, so it could be a nice difference.
 #164353  by Protongun
yeah, but the tauntauns aren't really that worth it, because there isn't enough space to actually have fun with them and getting them anywhere from their spawn location is nigh impossible, at least jetpacks allow vertical movement and you can screw around with them everywhere, tauntauns (while fun) limit you to only vehicle esque ground movement so their placement is important, and them being in a place that is just really small and the only interesting thing there other than the mounts is an epilepsy stick doesn't help them, maybe hiding them in one of the pillars in the spawn hangar could be neat though, maybe putting them high enough that a fall reneders them down to like 20 hp, so they aren't too op there, but I don't really know. IMO just keep Yavin 1 out of the rotation
 #164357  by Rogue
Jawfin wrote:We all have this love/hate relationship with Rogue - oh yea and the map too :P
It's just quite not big enough for FFA, even with the duelling area launch-pad.
I'll switch it out and see what feedback we get :)

.... A wild Rogue has appeared... *clear throat*

UMM... Let talk about our fun part. (Probably unrevelate to this post)

1) We love to Staff backflip!
2) We love to FFA!
3) We love to meleeing! (We always falls off!) Something Something rules the mountain...
4) We love to use JA+ Special Moves for fun! Now that is Fun-able....
5) We love to be giant and tiny! Something... Something... Cat and Mouse.
6) We love to host an event to cheer everyone up... ya... Fun is most important to have, can't go without food and drinks.
7) We love to have fun once in a while with NPCS! What a beautiful Creature!!
8 ) We love to switch maps from times to times when they need to have the fun... Think of the time machine to travel from past to present.
9) We love to ride on vehicles as a transport. What more fun to save a ride!
10) We love to have fun as my Paddy Lina will say FunFunFun!!

Just Kidding aside... These map rotations have the love/hate relationship! Haha! ^^
 #165120  by Cookie
I'm making my proposal quickly :
get vjun3 out of the rotation. It's a 5 meters square coffin map, which get skipped literally everytime it's on. Even tho some people like it, they mostly don't mind about it being skipped, because the majority of people hate it so much.
Idk with what we should replace it tho, i have no proposition, maybe someone have better knowledge of the maps and could help to replace it?
 #166034  by Elsecaller
How About:
 #166195  by Glenhal
I think that a new rotating map will be fun for new player and us. I liked the map t2_rancor etc... I would like that
 #166572  by HolyWarrior
We really should consider adding more stuff to these maps to make things interesting. I know there is a download option to have custom maps but I wonder if there is a way to prevent rcon from bypassing in the download option so maybe every visitor can download these maps? O wait maybe everyone doesn't realize they can enable that option. I just hate using the same maps for years. I love custom maps but that's why we have KR maps on a second server. It'd be nice if we can have more players like back in the day. Perhaps we can find a way to allow that kind of method to work? I have no idea if Movie Battles is still popular and I'd try it but unsure if I should. Man it was so much fun back in the day. I really wish we had some option to allow players use custom maps so we can boost a wider population for the server itself. There has to be a secure way to allow this happen and they can download it. I bet it would require someone to do some code programming here.
 #167376  by jawfin
@HolyWarrior: We don't do custom maps, but I'm happy for anyone to mod the existing ones if they wish.

Stamp has been requested to put back into rotation, so do you think I should change the map list? The current list is: -
mp/ffa2, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins
mp/ffa1, 60 mins
mp/ffa4, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins
yavin1 , 60 mins
mp/ffa5, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins

Other maps which can work on rotation are ones like t1_danger (desert, speeders), t2_rogue (bespin, bridge), t3_rift (abyss, bridge), vjun3 (round arena, Vader's castle), duel_6 (small lava map), t2_wedge (cloud city, spaceships) and even t1_rail (top of train) for like 20 minutes!

 #167378  by HiddenSpy
So yeah seeing stamp again would be cool, you have a modified version that which makes it better. Light is good, and pillars add character...
Do you have modified versions of the others? vjun3 is kinda nice when the middle area is flat, but if it's not flat, then no. That's the main problem with most SP maps; It's important to have a good dueling area right in the middle which is flat, easy to see in and move around in. As long as that is there, that's most of what's needed.
One main reason I dislike the siege desert map, is because there are shadows across the main area (might look cool, but messes with my eyes). Yavin1 is ok, but dark, and feels like it lacks that duel area unless you want to take a hike to a teleport... Have you considered doing duel5? I like it better than ffa5 to be honest. You may want to add some more spawn points though.
 #167395  by John
Whether intentional or not smaller maps like vjun3 and duel5 have lost popularity on KR because of server population. Past 20 players those maps start to feel cramped as all ffa and duel space is quickly occupied.
 #167398  by jawfin
That would also rule out train, and danger, and wedge, even rift - they really don't have much room to play with a flat area (rift has many little platforms, but not one big one). Rogue has that big space the gem can hop you to, and stamp is still in the mix!
 #167399  by Uscari
Jawfin wrote:@HolyWarrior: We don't do custom maps, but I'm happy for anyone to mod the existing ones if they wish.

Stamp has been requested to put back into rotation, so do you think I should change the map list? The current list is: -
mp/ffa2, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins
mp/ffa1, 60 mins
mp/ffa4, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins
yavin1 , 60 mins
mp/ffa5, 60 mins
mp/ffa3, 90 mins

Other maps which can work on rotation are ones like t1_danger (desert, speeders), t2_rogue (bespin, bridge), t3_rift (abyss, bridge), vjun3 (round arena, Vader's castle), duel_6 (small lava map), t2_wedge (cloud city, spaceships) and even t1_rail (top of train) for like 20 minutes!

I'd love to bring t2_rogue back on rotation. That's a great map.
 #167400  by Primordial
I dislike rogue (t2_rogue I don't like either, lol), however I would like stamp back.
 #167405  by Syzyx
I'm down with whatever, but please take Yavin out of the list. It kills the server.. most ppl disco. Unless someone (coughs) wants to add a swoop dispenser, guns, emp, or something fun to do in the huge hanger....the tauntaun is cool, but its very hard to get into the hanger unless you can teleport. (coughs)
 #167406  by Primordial
Replace Yavin with Stamp so we still have a big map in the rotation.
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