I find it funny how I remembered they locked my thread a long time ago for not providing pictures to the mods for Jedi Academy so I made some footage.
I will be adding more footage tomorrow so you can get the idea looks like.
I find it funny how they say no pic no click even though the links had pictures of them at jkhub and we all know jkhub is the safest place to download mods for JKA. I look forward uploading more footage so I can prove you that the HD text fonts are way better the default version we have today. It's much sharper and clear. Charm can vouch for that cuz he has the mods too. Enjoy!
I will be adding more footage tomorrow so you can get the idea looks like.
I find it funny how they say no pic no click even though the links had pictures of them at jkhub and we all know jkhub is the safest place to download mods for JKA. I look forward uploading more footage so I can prove you that the HD text fonts are way better the default version we have today. It's much sharper and clear. Charm can vouch for that cuz he has the mods too. Enjoy!