Who's at what rank?
 #162137  by Atsila
Bad habit for mentorship goes back to my time prior.
I have a few to show me a few things but I am wanting to learn and become better with fundamental and basis. (Eventually I want to use all three styles) however for now single first. I will warn anyone who thinks about I am a challenge first because I cannot hear and therefore translations can get lost and I will re ask the question and i ask twenty questions about what it is i am doing because I want to ensure i know what am doing correct way when showing me or am I doing it wrong and in what way.
Ok with that said if I havent scared anyone a way with my charming post than I would like to relearn what all i have forgotten and become more mature than i was prior to here.
 #162140  by John
Available single Knights are:

Jack Skywalker (Single) (1)
HolyWarrior (Single) (1)
Toasteagle (Single) (1)
Rick (Single) (1)
Syzyx (Single) (1)
cf.Steak (Single) (1)

We'll give them a chance to speak up first and then open it up to everyone else.
 #162155  by Charm
I don't want to jump the gun, however, if the current Knights are unable to take on this role for whatever reason, I'd be happy to extend J.D. an invitation to Charm's Saber Academy and get her in top fighting form. Regardless, best of luck as you begin to climb the ranks and learn even more about what it is that has made everyone here Knights Reborn!
 #162160  by John
A padawan you have, Charm. Impossible to take a second.
*Jato's force ghost' deep sexy voice echos from Jawfin's closet*-The code forbids it.

We still need to give the knights a chance. Maybe this will motivate them to become more active.
 #162167  by Limeoats
Mike wrote:Greedy boi
Lol @ Mike

Good luck finding a master JD! You've already been improving a lot on your own, so you're going to be even tougher to duel soon!
 #162177  by Kirito
Holywarrior has been active on the server lately. Maybe a message to him directly would help speed this along JD.

good luck
 #162178  by HolyWarrior
I'm always active and I can help out if she wants but it's her decision. If she wants Guardian which I highly recommend but I'd be happy to help out because it'd be nice to further my rank up. I'd be happy to mentor JD.
 #162179  by Atsila
Ok sounds good to me holywarrior your on as much as me so it would be easier for us both.