Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #161950  by Atsila
Many have asked what JD stands for. Many know the J stands for Jedi but what about the D. That is a story when I first started in 2003 I used Jedi D. The D is Dianne my name. Hinse I continued to use that name only to let those with imaginations try to guess insuccessful what the D stood for.
In 2005 I wanted to change my name and got confused with seeing D's. So ulic and snake suggest JD to end the confusion and help ulic when he was too drunk to type it all out.
That is how and why I kept my name all these years and have not bothered changing it because of fond memories I have collected while using it and the guessing game that comes with it I know it's mean but really fun at the same time. Ok something I thought some would find interesting.
 #161951  by Rogue
That's very interesting. I haven't play guessing games for an age, I guess?

That's sound more fun!
 #161957  by Atsila
Pfft lol. One of the few comedy movies I liked though. Lol