If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #161427  by Berserker
Making it official.

I've had some really fun times here in KR but it's time for me to call it a day and see myself out.
I wish KR all the best going forward and hope to see you guys and gals around when I boot up jkja.

- Bers
 #161430  by Atem
</3 hope seeing you again, wish you the best on your life goals.
 #161431  by MasterM
Hey man, really sorry to see you go, but best of luck with everything and I hope you still visit occasionally
 #161433  by John
 #161435  by Mike
Cya round berz x)
 #161439  by Rogue
See you around Berz! :)
 #161445  by g0dchris
Hope to see you around Bers! : ( Will miss you....
 #161447  by Syzyx
Aloha and GL on W/E you may endeavor!
 #161450  by Uscari
I would like to know more about why you decided to leave but regardless I respect your decision.

It was nice having someone with your history in base jka and a mature attitude among us, hopefully you continue to share those assets wherever you go.

Take care berz.
 #161452  by MysticalPotato
This is very sad Bers, you were one of my favorites. Wish you the best, bro.

 #161455  by R4gnar
Sad to read... Not so unexpected tho. Cya man!
 #161466  by Kirito
dam sad....

well gl man, hope to see u pop in sometimes.
 #161469  by Sakito
Sad to see you go bers!!!! >.<
Hope to still see you around the server my friend. We love you bers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 #161509  by Charm
I'll be seeing you on FFA3 where it matters. <3 u bro
 #161514  by Samurai X
Well, sad to hear that.
wish you all the luck and hope to see you again!

Cya Bro!
 #161557  by Sam
See you around ;(
