If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #160769  by Yama
Thanks guys been a blast. all the best!
 #160770  by R4gnar
Yama! Husband ? Telle me you're not going! :(
 #160771  by John
Can I deny this application for retirement? Your 401K isn't large enough yet... :p
Whatever you decide on Yama we'll be here for you when you decide to return.
 #160779  by Samurai X
Don't go bro! Your Drama lies inside KR!
 #160780  by Ted
Yama, really would like it if you didn't go but it's your decision. Will miss you mate
 #160782  by Rogue
Ok, this has shocked me, Yama :< I do not know why you are leaving the clans. But it is your decision to makes. We will missed you so much.
 #160784  by Uscari
I can't read what's going on in your mind right now or how you feel about what you've posted recently, but I can offer some parting advice.

If you return here, please bear in mind that your words and thoughts may have consequences outside of this game. Whether you know it or not, you have gained the admiration and respect of people here, and those are precious gifts, not to be taken lightly.

If you don't return, remember that your time here was not wasted; from every conversation you had, exchange you participated in, and friend you made, there is a part of yourself revealed, waiting for your observation.

At the end of the day, you will do whatever you want, I just hope you wake up the next morning with purpose, and not regret.
 #160785  by MasterM
Well, take care then. Hopefully we'll still see you around the server every now and again. Best of luck!
 #160792  by Mike
Yama no don't leave me here with all these foreigners! :(

But seriously take some time to consider it before jumping to this decision mate, we'll miss you.
 #160794  by Rick
Please no :(
 #160796  by Clank
 #160799  by deathscyth
i wish i had read that wrong sad to see a good llama leave dont want to say goodbye either but i must farewell friend you will be missed as will many others
 #160816  by g0dchris
Yama, pls dont leave! : (
 #160821  by Mnsomc
You know I normally have a lot to say on this type of posts. I could ask you not to leave. I could ask you to at least have a conversation with me before you do so. I could also tell you you're making a big mistake.

But I won't do any of that. Because this time I can see where you're coming from. Your actions and words, I can understand them. That's why I believe you might need this break more than what everyone (perhaps even including yourself) realizes.

So take a step back and spend all the time you need to sort out what you must, but don't sink your X-Wing into the ocean. You'll need it someday.
 #160843  by Squidlord
Good bye old friend. I know I haven't been around much lately and i wish i had so i could speak with you about this but whatever you decision is know that the squid is always here for you if you decide to return!

Farewell buddy :'(
 #160876  by Kirito

Been goin on 3 years now. You were there on day 1 for me. We have always been on great terms and i value our friendship. Im with the others when we say... we'll be here on your decision to return. You will be missed.

 #160902  by FastMonkey88
Dang, I had no idea. Very sad to see you go, but wishing you the best on where ever life takes you next!
 #160970  by HolyWarrior
May the force always be with you Yama. KR will always remember you!
 #160977  by Syzyx
Can i still crash on your couch if i can make it DOWNUNDER? XP
But srsly, Thanks for your time and your friendship.
 #161063  by Lord Rikan
Yama wrote:Thanks guys been a blast. all the best!

Farewell Yama. You probably do not remember me as I have been away from the server for a while, but you were always very polite to me, welcoming, generous, cooperative too.
You were one of the first JKA online players I met and became friends with. Seeing you leave brings back nostalgic memories for sure. You have your own path to follow and I'll let you walk on it but i very hope that one day, our paths will lead us back together. One day.
Stay strong brother!!
 #161171  by Yama
Now that I have had a few weeks to think about it I just wanted to say I am most appreciative of my time with KR the things I have learnt the friends I have made. My experience was rewarding and some of the relationships I made were deeply satisfying and exceptional. I was at times a difficult member for this I apologise my personality never made for the perfect KR but I tried my best to live and stay inside the rules. Whilst our standards and rules sometimes made it difficult for an Australian boy to comply.

I have been having difficulties for the last year or so maintaining some of my relationships I have felt the more I tried to hang onto some people the further away they would slip I found this frustrating and after some reflection have realised that regardless of how you feel about someone it doesn't necessarily mean they feel the same way about you. After the breakdown of my relationship with Uscari we exchanged some pretty hurtful comments to each other I found myself second guessing everything I said and did. The fallout of this was losing the relationship with my master Mnsomc and I never really recovered from these incidents. The positive is I made some new friends in Mike, Fear, Charm and with toast and Kitty at odds for a while to I felt truly lost and adrift.

I could feel animosity from some of the older members and could sometimes feel how much they actually not only disliked me but what felt like begun to despise me that I truly knew i was Lost. I began to analyse my behaviour and realised i had made some unintended mistakes along the way. I think it kind of crystallised for me when Jawa a member i had a lot of love and respect for wasn't talking to me anymore when I asked him about it he thought I was upset with him! It's kinda this moment i realised that i needed not only to review my actions but think about the impact i have had on those around me.

Self reflection isn't fun. When you are truly honest with yourself it hurts even more.

I always had Sam. Sam who i would share things with sam he seemed to understand me regardless. I trusted Sam and with the relevations that were revealed I thought back on all the private things i have shared with sam and felt betrayed, hurt and honestly a little at risk of some of those secrets I have shared exposed.

As some of you are well aware. I am a vault. A lot of members have shared deeply private things with me as I have with them. These people know I have never shared these things and never will to any of those worried about these things know that my vault will always remain locked.

The sam revelation was the final score. I couldn't go on. I felt hurt that council may have had a hand in how I felt and that made me feel more betrayed and hurt which ended up in my lashing out. My being childish as clank so eloquently put it. Time has made me let go of this and realise that I was making more out of it than there was
Kind of went a bit blackeyes with the conspiracy theories.

In the end I felt i Just need to explain my leave or more therapeutically get it all of my chest so i can find some closure and move on. I bare KR no ill will of any kind and will every now and then jump on and play and see how everyone is going. I hope I am remember'd fondly by some and those that didn't necessarily like me to much realise that i was the dramaLlama in name an spirit and bear me no ill will. Congratalations to both Limeoats and fastmonkey on your recruitment you were both on my invite radar! I hope your time with KR is as rewarding as mine.

I feel my biggest mistake is I put to much of myself into my membership and was to open and honest i didn't hold enough back. I cared way to much way way to much to the point where i forgot it was just a game and a clan my personal relationships were real to me and maybe just possibly it became a little unhealthy. A cautionary tale to be sure.

In summary and thank you if you have stuck with me through all of this. Our love of star wars surrounds us and binds us. May the force be with you all i wish everybody a long and fruitful lives full of laughter and happiness.

I leave you with a quote.

It's not what your are, it's what you don't become that hurts.

Oscar Levant

Yama teh DramaLlama
 #161175  by MysticalPotato
Man, I saw you on yesterday and I didn't know what to say to you. I'm really sorry about that.
I don't think it's unhealthy to care and share as much as you did with some members of the clan.That's why this place is so special, you end up going beyond the game and deep into developing strong bonds with members. I'm super glad you consider me as a friend and I thank you for all your advises when I was kinda lost.
Hope to see ya again, buddy.
 #161183  by Kirito
Never lost a pal in me either m8. Funny enough, the unmended bridges and fall outs I feel (person opinion) could have been fixed. I say this because I feel after hearing both sides from the above + yours brotha, it's a matter of someone stepping up and saying directly.... Im tired of this... lets hash this out and rekindle a KR bond... or however u wanna say it. Also, after hearing both sides, it's clear that the story behind the fallout from both point of views are actually consistent and are exactly what both feel happened. (meaning, there is no embellishment, lies, or stretched truths. Which means if handled open mindedly, cant see why things cant be worked out for the best.

As close as we are and similar in character we are (KR dun let in anything less then the best type of people).. we still share different views on things we may feel are important and even more so... needed to be shared, fought for, and not backed down from to avoid sacrificing personal morals or beliefs. Sometimes its not easy to there without being pushed into rash emotions which lead to lashing out or making brash decisions that cant be taken back.

Like i stated before m8, me and you have been tight since day 1 without any sort of clash, im sure theres others too. But, from whats been said to me from those who are not on the same good terms, non have said they were unwilling to patch things up.

I think man, cuz I care about you and miss your ass, you should honestly take a look at what your throwing away. Is it worth losing your place in this family? Will you look back and see that many of us love ya and are here for you, even now after your resignation, and will be moving fwd? If not, you made the right move. If so... id take the time to realize this....

JK3 is dying as a community, but some how.... KR still grows and maintains itself through its members. Many of us will never leave as long as its here for us to call home. Our Council makes this possible and they maintain/provide that piece of SW where as wouldnt exist without... Our members keep it alive thru the relationships we have with each other, SW, and our desire to keep something very dear going. With that said... you wont always agree with decisions made.. actions taken... words said... but thats life. Here at KR, we need to support each other even if u disagree personally. Ofc bro, voice your disagreement... I SURE AS HELL DO!!! i know others do too... but if the tribunal speaks... we back it.

Your untitied to feel the way you do. Fight for your beliefs. Everyone should respect that, but theres a good way to go about it... and a bad... and anger, sarcasm, disrespect... isnt the way to handle it.... These words are not directed at Yama solely but to KR as a whole.

I hope in turn Yama, you sarlacc up and just come back start fresh... and just play some jk3 with us.

I took the time to read your msg and reply in length, NOT TO CALL YOU OUT lol, because i care and miss and value your friendship. You supported me back in the day, hopefully you see this as me trying to do the same!
